

单词 deny
deny ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing 否认(指控)

+(that) A spokesman denied that the company had acted irresponsibly. 一位发言人否认该公司当时的行为属于不负责任。

deny (doing) sth He still denies murdering his wife. 他仍否认杀害了自己的妻子。

deny an allegation/accusation/claim/charge Both men have denied the allegations. 两个人都否认这些指控。

vehemently/strenuously/categorically/hotly deny sth All three athletes vehemently deny taking the drug. 所有3位运动员都极力否认服用过兴奋剂。

1a to say that something is not true or does not exist 不承认;否定

deny the existence of sth Officials have repeatedly denied the existence of a secret report. 官员们一再否认存在秘密报告。

deny a rumour He has denied rumours that he is having an affair with a government minister. 他已否认他与一位政府部长有暧昧关系的传闻。

+(that) Officials continue to deny that drug use is widespread in the sport. 官员们仍否认体育界在广泛使用兴奋剂。

1b to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular belief or opinion 否认与…有关系;拒绝相信;背弃

Denying his friend was the only way to survive. 不认他的朋友是活命的唯一办法。

Neither man was prepared to deny his religion. 两个人都不准备背弃自己的宗教。

2 to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feeling , illness , or problem 拒绝承认

I had been denying this anger for years. 我多年来一直拒绝承认会为此而愤怒。

3 to not allow someone to have something 拒绝给予

deny sth to sb Doctors were accused of denying treatment to older patients. 医生们被指控拒绝给老年病人提供治疗。

be denied sth He had been denied the right to speak to his lawyer. 他已经无权和律师说话。

deny sb sth There are parents who refuse to deny their children anything. 有些家长对自己的孩子百依百顺。

3a to stop an opponent from winning or scoring 打败;使不能得分

The home team was denied victory in the dying minutes of the game. 主队在比赛的最后几分钟里输掉了比赛。

-   deny yourself formal
to not allow yourself to have something you would like to have
-   there’ s no denying spoken
used for saying that something is clearly true

There’ s no denying her popularity. 无庸置疑,她很受人欢迎。

+(that) There’ s no denying that he was a great man. 不容否认,他是个伟大的人。





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