

单词 defence
defence ★★★
1  U  actions that you take to protect someone or something that is being attacked 保卫;保护;防御

come/rush to sb’ s defence Two of his friends came to his defence. 他的两个朋友挺身保护了他。

1a  U  the system of weapons, equipment , and people that is used to protect a country 防御(体系);国防

Huge amounts of government money are spent on defence. 政府的钱大笔大笔地用在国防上。

an attempt to reduce the defence budget 减少国防预算的尝试

The President has promised to increase defence spending. 总统已经承诺增加国防开支。

defence cuts (=spending less money on defence) More defence cuts are expected next year. 减少国防开支

1b  C  the particular structures, weapons, and people that are used for protecting a place 防御工事

Government forces have breached the rebels’ defences. 政府军已经攻破叛军的防御工事。

The city walls were built as a defence against invaders. 把城墙建成抵御侵略者的防御工事。

strengthen sb’ s/sth’ s defences He stressed the need to strengthen the nation’ s defences. 他强调了加强国家防御的必要性。

flood defences (=structures built to prevent the sea or a river from coming into a place) New flood defences are being built along the riverbank. 防洪堤

2  C/U  something that you say to support someone or something that is being criticized 辩护

+of The Minister responded with a strong defence of the government’ s policy. 部长作出回应,为政府的政策强烈辩护。

speak/say sth in sb’ s defence Several people spoke in my defence. 有几个人为我辩护。

in defence of Monroe has been fierce in defence of the present system. 门罗极力为现有的体系辩护。

come/spring/leap to sb’ s defence Martin immediately sprang to her defence, saying she was innocent. 马丁立刻挺身为她辩护,说她是无辜的。

2a  C  all the things that are said and shown in a court case to prove that someone is not guilty . The things that are said and shown to prove that someone is guilty are called the prosecution (讼案中证明某人无罪的)辩护

conduct sb’ s defence She decided to conduct her own defence. 她决定为自己出庭辩护。

mount a defence He mounted a surprisingly effective defence. 他进行了有效的辩护,令人感到惊讶。

2b the people in a court case who try to prove that someone is not guilty . The people who try to prove that someone is guilty are called the prosecutionThe defence can be followed by a singular or plural verb 被告方,辩方(后可接动词的单数或复数形式)

The defence will begin giving evidence tomorrow. 被告方明天将开始出示证据。

3  C  something that happens in your body to prevent you from becoming ill (身体抗病的)防御机制,抵抗力

new drugs that work by strengthening the body’ s own defences 加强身体自身抵抗力的新药

4  C/U  the players in a team game who try to prevent the other team from scoring points 防守队员

France has a very strong defence. 法国队的防守很强。

I usually play in defence. 我通常打防守。

5  singular  an attempt by someone to win a competition that they won last time so they keep their position as winner 卫冕(获胜者的地位)

Simpson is in New York this week for the defence of his title. 辛普森本周在纽约卫冕冠军称号。

6  C  a way of thinking or behaving that protects you from being tricked or hurt 戒备心理;防备行为

sb’ s defences are down He got me to sign the contract when my defences were down. 当我未加心理戒备时他让我签了那份合同。

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