

单词 deep
deep 1 ★★★
1 going a long way down from the top or the surface (从顶部向下)深的

The river is quite deep here. 这里的河水很深。

an area of high hills and deep valleys 一个山高谷深的地区

1a used for saying or asking the distance from the top or surface of something 厚的

How deep is the snow? 雪有多厚?

2 metres deep/6 feet deep etc The pond needs to be at least a metre deep. 池塘需要至少1米深。

1b going a long way into something 深入(某物)的;深处的;纵深的

He had a deep cut on his forehead. 他的额头有个很深的伤口。

+inside By this time we were deep inside enemy territory. 到这个时候我们已深入敌区。

+in a small cabin deep in the woods 树林深处的一座小屋

1c going a long way back from the front of something (从前到后)深的

The shelves need to be a bit deeper than that. 这些架子需要往里再深一点。

2 a deep feeling or emotion is very strong (感情)深厚的,强烈的

I do feel a very deep sympathy for them all. 我深深地同情他们所有的人。

a feeling of deep gratitude 衷心的感激之情

3 a deep sound is low (声音)低沉的

I recognized George’ s deep voice on the other end of the phone. 我听出电话另一端乔治低沉的声音。

a deep roaring sound 低沉的轰鸣声

4 a deep colour is dark and strong (颜色)深的

a beautiful deep red 漂亮的深红色

5 breathing a lot of air into or out of your body (呼吸)深的

Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. 做几次深呼吸,让自己平静下来。

He looked at Rosie and gave a deep sigh. 他看着罗茜,深深地叹了口气。

6 a deep sleep is one that you do not wake up easily from 酣睡的

She fell into a deep sleep. 她沉沉地睡去了。

7 someone who is deep has very serious thoughts, ideas, or feelings (某人)严肃的,深邃的
7a something that is deep involves very serious thoughts, ideas, or feelings (某事)严肃的

We had a very deep conversation about love and death. 我们进行了一次关于爱与死的严肃交谈。

-   deep in sth
completely involved in doing something , especially so you do not notice things happening around you

deep in conversation Her husband seemed deep in conversation with Mrs Beeley. 她丈夫似乎在专心地与比利太太交谈。

deep in thought He was deep in thought, oblivious to all the noise around him. 他陷入深思中,没注意到周围的喧闹声。

-   deep in debt
owing a lot of money

How did you manage to get so deep in debt? 你怎么欠了这么多债?

-   go off the deep end informal
to unexpectedly become very angry , especially without a good reason
-   in deepshit impolite
in a very difficult situation
-   in deeptrouble
in a very difficult situation
-   in/intodeepwater
in a difficult or serious situation

I was beginning to feel that I was getting into deep water. 我开始觉得我正在陷入困境。

-   thrown in at the deepend
made to deal with something difficult without being prepared for it




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