| Other ways of saying : decrease |
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| decrease 的其他表达方式 |
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| be/go/come down to become less, especially in number, value, or price减少(尤指数目、价值或价格的减少): Your cholesterol level is down on last month’ s figure.你的胆固醇水平与上个月的数字相比下降了。I’ d like a digital camera, but I’ m waiting for the prices to come down.我想买个数码相机,不过我在等降价。 |
| drop/fall to decrease in number or quality, especially by a large amount降低,下降(尤指数量或质量大幅度减少或降低): falling educational standards正在大幅度下降的教育水平At night the temperature drops to below zero.晚上温度降到零度以下。 |
| plummet/plunge (mainly journalism) to decrease suddenly and very quickly暴跌(指突然并快速地减少): The prime minister’ s popularity rating has plummeted in recent weeks.首相的支持率最近几周骤然降低。They planned an advertising campaign in an effort to reverse plunging car sales.他们计划了一场广告宣传,想扭转骤然下降的汽车销售额。 |
| slump to decrease to a very low level or value, when this is seen as a bad thing剧降,暴跌(指水平或价值降得非常低,被认为是坏事): The dollar has slumped to record lows against the yen.美元对日元的汇率已经跌至最低纪录。 |
| dwindle to decrease slowly and steadily until there is almost nothing left(逐渐)减少: The population of the town has dwindled to about 2,000.该镇的人口已经逐渐减少到大约只有2000人。their dwindling supplies of food and fuel他们那逐渐减少的食品和燃料供应 |
| decline/be in decline to decrease at a steady rate over a long period减少,下降(指长时间稳定地减少): The party’ s membership has declined by 70 per cent over the last ten years.该党的党员人数在近10年里已经减少了70%。The market for cigarettes is in long-term decline.香烟市场在长期萎缩。 |