

单词 day
day ★★★
1  C  one of the periods of time that a week is divided into , equal to 24 hours (24小时的)一天,一日

We’ re going away for five days. 我们要离开5天。

The animals are kept inside for 14 hours a day. 这些动物每天在里面关14小时。

24 hours a day (=during the whole of the day and night) The shop is open 24 hours a day. 全天24小时

1a  C/U  the period of time when it is light outside 白天

There was not enough of the day left to finish the game. 白天剩下的时间不够完成比赛。

during the day The restaurant is only open during the day. 那家餐馆只在白天营业。

by day (=during the day) By day he is a banker, but by night he sings in a club. 在白天

1b  C  the period of time when you are awake and doing things 工作日;日常活动日

every day You should try to go for a walk every day. 你每天应该尽量散散步。

all day (long) What do you do at home all day? 你整天在家干什么?

a bad/hard/long day (=a difficult or unpleasant day) She came home exhausted after a hard day at the office. 糟糕/艰难/漫长的一天

a day off (=a day when you do not work) I’ ve got a day off next week. 不工作的一天;休息日

a day out (=a day when you go out somewhere for fun or enjoyment) All children enjoy a day out at the fair. 出门游玩的一天

2  singular  a time in the past or future (过去或将来的)一天

We look forward to the day when nuclear weapons will no longer exist. 我们期盼着核武器不复存在的那一天。

the day will/may/might come (when) The day may come when our air becomes too polluted to breathe. 我们的空气被污染得不能呼吸的那一天或许会到来。

3 days  plural  a period of time when you are doing a particular thing or when something is happening or is successful (做某事或某事发生、成功的)日子,时代

I think my days as a footballer are coming to an end. 我认为我作为职业足球运动员的生涯即将结束。

That was back in the days of the horse and cart. 那是过去的马车时代。

the early days of sth She became famous in the early days of television. 她成名于电视出现的早期。

-   all in a day’ s work spoken
used for saying that you are willing to do something or are able to deal with it because it is part of your normal job or activities
-   any day now spoken
very soon
-   (as) clear/plain as day informal
very easy to understand , see , or hear
-   back in the days AMERICAN spoken
used for referring to a time in the past , especially a time when someone was young
-   be on days
to be working during the day instead of at night
-   a/the big day
a very important day , especially the day arranged for your wedding

Do you think the team’ s ready for the big day? 你认为这队人做好婚礼日的准备了吗?

-   sb’ s day
the period of time when someone was young

The place has changed completely since my day. 跟我年轻的时候相比,这个地方已经全变了。

In my day, all young men had to do military service. 我年轻的时候,所有的小伙子都得服兵役。

-   day after day
every day for a long time , often in a way that is boring or unpleasant
-   the day after tomorrow
two days from now

We’ re going on holiday the day after tomorrow. 我们后天要去度假。

-   day and night/night and day
all the time

Electricians have been working day and night to restore electricity supplies to the area. 电工们为了恢复该地区的供电一直在夜以继日地工作。

-   the day before yesterday
two days ago

I got back home the day before yesterday. 我前天回家了。

-   day by day
in small slow stages as each day passes

She’ s much better now and getting stronger day by day. 她现在好多了,正一天天强壮起来。

-   day in, day out
every day for a long time , especially in a way that is boring or unpleasant

It’ s so boring, eating the same food day in, day out. 天天吃同样的食品乏味得很。

-   sb’ s day in the sun
the time when someone is young , successful , or famous
-   sb’ s day will come spoken
used for saying that someone will become successful in the future even though they are not successful now
-   from day one
ever since the first day or the very beginning of something
-   from day to day
1 in a way that changes quickly or often (表示变化很快或频繁)天天

He seems to change his opinion from day to day. 他好像天天都在改变看法。

2 without thinking about what is going to happen in the future 过一天算一天地

They lived from day to day. 他们过一天算一天。

-   from one day to the next
if something changes from one day to the next , it changes suddenly
-   the goodolddays
a time in the past when everything was much better than now
-   have your day in court
to get the opportunity to defend yourself from criticism
-   have had your/its day
to have stopped being successful , effective , or fashionable , especially because of being no longer young
-   have seen better days informal
to be in bad condition
-   if sb’ s a day spoken
used for saying that someone is at least as old as the age you are mentioning

She’ s 50 if she’ s a day. 她至少50岁了。

-   in the olddays
a long time ago , especially a time you remember as being good or happy
-   in this day and age
in the present or modern times

You can’ t have people living in these conditions in this day and age! 如今你不能让人们在这些条件下生活了!

-   in those days
during a particular period in the past

Most people married young in those days. 那时候大多数人都很早结婚。

-   it’ s not sb’ s day informal
used for saying that someone is having a lot of problems
-   it’ s not every day that informal
used for saying that an event or situation is very unusual and special

It’ s not every day you get the chance to meet a real film star. 并不是每天你都有机会见到真正的电影明星。

-   sb’ s luckyday
a day when something good happens to someone
-   make sb’ s day
to make someone feel very happy
-   make a day of it
to spend the whole day , instead of just part of it , doing something enjoyable
-   make my day spoken
used for warning someone that if they do something , you will enjoy stopping, defeating, or punishing them
-   not have all day spoken
to be in a hurry
-   of sb’ s/sth’ s day
during the time when someone or something existed

When it first came out, it was the finest television of its day. 它首次出现时是当时最好的电视。

-   of the day
1 existing at a particular period of time 当时的

These officials are appointed by the government of the day. 这些官员都是当时的政府任命的。

2 served on a particular day in a restaurant (餐馆)当日供应的

the soup/fish of the day 当日供应的汤/鱼

-   one day
1 at some time in the future (将来)有一天

She hopes to own her own business one day. 她希望将来有一天能有自己的公司。

2 on a day in the past (过去)有一天

One day he just walked out and never came back. 有一天,他走了出去,就再也没回来。

-   one of these days spoken
at some time in the future
-   one of those days informal
a day when you seem to have a lot of problems
-   the other day informal
-   some day
at some time in the future

I’ ll go back there some day. 总有一天我要回到那里。

-   that’ ll be the day spoken
used for saying that you do not believe something will happen
-   these days spoken
used for talking about things that are happening or true now

Children grow up much more quickly these days. 如今儿童长得快多了。

-   those were the days spoken
used for saying that a time in the past was better or happier than now
-   to the day
used for saying that something happened on the same day in a different year

It’ s ten years to the day since we first moved here. 从我们最初搬来这里到现在正好10年。

-   to this day
even now , after a very long time

To this day I don’ t know exactly what started the fight. 至今我还不清楚这场打斗的确切起因。

-   win/carry the day
to be successful in dealing with opposition or an opponent

Common sense at last won the day. 常识最终获胜。

It was Foster’ s bowling that finally carried the day for England. 福斯特的投球最后使英格兰队获胜。

See also
number 2




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