

单词 date
date 2 ★★★
1  T  to write the date on something 在…上写日期

The letter was dated 23 February. 信上注明的日期是2月23日。

a memo dated 16th June 注明日期为6月16日的备忘录

2  T  to discover exactly how old something is or when it was made by examining it carefully or making scientific tests 确定…的年代

The paintings have not yet been accurately dated by the museum’ s experts. 这些画还没有经过博物馆的专家确定出准确的年代。

3  I  to seem no longer modern or fashionable 过时

a style of building that has hardly dated at all 几乎一点儿都不过时的建筑风格

4  T  to prove that you are starting to get old or are older than the people you are talking to 使显老

I suppose that attitude really dates me! 我认为那种态度确实使我显老!

5  I/T  MAINLY AMERICAN  if you and another person are dating, or if you are dating someone , the two of you are having a sexual or romantic relationship with each other (与某人)约会

They’ ve been dating for over six months now. 现在他们谈情说爱已经6个多月了。

At college he had dated a medical student from Kansas. 他上大学时就跟来自堪萨斯州的一位医学专业的学生约会。

ˌdate ˈback to
date back to sth: to be made or begun at a particular time in the past 始于(过去某个时候);追溯到

a large collection of records dating back to the 1950s 可追溯到20世纪50年代的一大批唱片收藏品

ˈdate from
date from sth: to be made at a particular time in the past 始于(过去某个时候);可以追溯到

These sculptures must date from the middle of the 7th century. 这些雕刻品肯定可以追溯到7世纪中叶。





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