

单词 dark
dark 2 ★★★
the dark a situation in which there is no light , especially because it is night (尤指夜里的)黑,黑暗

Timothy is afraid of the dark. 蒂莫西怕黑。

in the dark Why are you sitting here in the dark? 你为什么坐在这黑乎乎的地方?

-   after dark
after it has become night

Do not go out on your own after dark. 天黑后不要自己一个人出去。

It was long after dark when we finally reached the farm. 天黑后很久我们才最终到达农场。

-   before dark
before it becomes night

We were hoping to get home before dark. 我们希望天黑前赶到家。

-   in the dark (about sth)
not knowing very much about something , because other people are keeping it secret from you

We are still very much in the dark about how the money was lost. 对于钱是怎么丢掉的我们仍然一无所知。

keep sb in the dark (about sth) (=not tell someone about something because you want to keep it secret from them) You’ ve kept us totally in the dark about what happened that night. 不让某人了解(某事)





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