

单词 dare
dare 1 ★★
  Dare can be used in the following waysdare 有以下用法:
  as an intransitive verb (followed by an infinitive with ‘to’ )用作不及物动词(后接带to 的不定式): He doesn’ t dare to complain. 他不敢发牢骚。 (without a following infinitive)后不接不定式: She never went there on her own – she didn’ t dare to. 她从未独自一人去过那儿——她不敢去。
  as a modal verb (followed by an infinitive without ‘to’ )用作情态动词(后接不带to 的不定式): No one dared speak. 没人敢说话。 (without a following infinitive)后不接不定式: Fight with him if you dare. 有种你就跟他打一架。 When dare is a modal verb, the third person singular of the present tense does not end in ‘-s’ . When dare is a modal verb, negatives and questions are formed without ‘do’ , and the negative dare not can be shortened to daren’ t in conversation and in informal writing当dare 用作情态动词时,现在时态的第三人称单数不以s 结尾。当dare 用作情态动词时,构成否定和疑问形式时不带do; 否定式dare not 在会话和非正式书面语中可以缩约为daren’t: Dare he tell her the truth? 他敢把真相告诉她吗? He dare not/daren’ t lie. 他不敢撒谎。
  as a transitive verb (with an object usually followed by an infinitive with ‘to’ )用作及物动词(宾语通常后接带to 的不定式): Someone dared him to climb the tree. 有人激他爬树。
1  I  never progressive if you dare to do something , you are not afraid to do it , even though it may be dangerous or shocking or may cause trouble for you 敢;敢于

Larry argue with the boss? He wouldn’ t dare. 拉里跟老板争吵了?他不敢的。

I drove as fast as I dared. 我把汽车开到我敢开的最快速度。

dare to do sth Andrei Sakharov was one of the few people who dared to protest. 安德烈·萨克哈罗夫是敢于抗议的少数几个人之一。

dare do sth Neither of the superpowers would have dared use nuclear weapons. 当时两个超级大国都不敢使用核武器。

dare not do sth I daren’ t risk offending Audrey’ s parents. 我不敢冒险触怒奥德丽的父母。

hardly dare I hardly dare to go into the room without first getting permission. 未经同意,我几乎不敢走进那个房间。

2  T  never passive to try to persuade someone to prove that they are not afraid to do something that is dangerous or likely to cause trouble 激;激将

I dare you Go on, phone the police. I dare you. 去呀,打电话报警呀。我谅你也不敢。

dare sb to do sth The older boys dared Jennings to go up on the roof. 年纪大一些的男孩子激詹宁斯爬上屋顶。

-   dare hope/dream/believe
if you dare not hope , dream , or believe that something will happen or is true , you think it is very unlikely , but you would very much like it to happen

I never dared dream that peace would come so soon. 我从来不敢想象和平会这么快到来。

The work was finished much sooner than he’ d ever dared hope. 这项工作完成得比我们敢期望的快得多。

-   dare I say (it) spoken formal
used when you are saying something that you think other people may not like
-   don’ t you dare spoken
used for telling someone not to do something , when you are warning them that you will be very angry if they do it

‘I’ ll tell Susan what you said about her.’ ‘Don’ t you dare!’ “我要把你说苏珊的那些话告诉她。”“你敢!”

don’ t you dare do sth Don’ t you dare come near me! 你敢靠近我!

-   hardly dare (to) breathe
to feel extremely nervous or worried about something that is happening or is going to happen
-   how dare you spoken
used for telling someone how shocked and angry you are about something they have done or said

‘Were you ever involved with this woman?’ ‘How dare you! I’ m a respectable married man.’ “你与这个女人有一腿吗?”“你竟敢这么说!我可是个体面的已婚男人。”

how dare you do sth How dare you go into my room without asking me! 你怎么竟敢不问我一声就进入我的房间!

-   I dare say BRITISH spoken
used for saying that something is probably true , although you do not know for certain

I dare say you’ re feeling tired after your journey. 我相信你旅行后一定感到累了。

Things have changed a good deal, I dare say. 我敢说情况已经发生了很大的变化。





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