

单词 cry
cry 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to have tears coming from your eyes, especially because you are sad (尤因伤心而)哭泣,流泪

I’ m sorry – please don’ t cry. 对不起,请别哭了。

+for She could hear her brother crying for his mother. 她能听见弟弟哭着要母亲。

cry with pain/happiness/relief/rage etc Now she felt like crying with rage at her own stupidity. 现在,她对自己的愚蠢愤恨不已,真想大哭一场。

+over/about Laura was angry with herself for wasting time crying over him. 劳拉为自己浪费时间为他哭泣而气恼不已。

cry tears of rage/frustration/pain etc He cried tears of frustration at his inability to help. 他为自己帮不上忙而沮丧得哭了。

cry yourself to sleep (=cry continuously until you start to sleep) I cried myself to sleep at night for weeks after we broke up. 哭着睡着

1a if a baby cries, it makes a loud noise because it is hungry or uncomfortable (婴儿因饥饿或不舒服而)啼哭
2  I/T  to shout something 喊;叫;呼唤

‘That’ s not what I meant,’ Polly cried. “我不是那个意思,”波利嚷道。

cry (sth) in surprise/alarm/horror/delight etc ‘No!’ he cried in horror. “不!”他惶恐地叫道。

cry for help Ted could hear a woman’ s voice crying for help. 泰德能听见一个女人的呼救声。

cry sb’ s name She sometimes cries his name in her sleep. 她有时在睡梦中呼唤他的名字。

3  I  if an animal or bird cries, it makes a loud noise (兽或鸟)大叫
-   cry your eyes/heart out informal
to cry in an uncontrolled way
-   cry foul
to say publicly that something is dishonest or illegal , especially when it affects you directly

Australia has cried foul over the decision to increase export subsidies. 澳大利亚已对提高出口补贴的决定提出了公开批评。

-   cry on sb’ s shoulder informal
to tell someone about all the things that are making you sad or upset . The person you are talking to is a shoulder to cry on .
-   cry over spiltmilk
to waste time feeling upset about something bad that has happened and cannot be changed

‘No use crying over spilt milk,’ she said. “为无可挽回的事忧伤是没有用的,”她说。

-   for crying out loud spoken
used for expressing anger
ˌcry ˈoff
to decide not to do something that you had promised or agreed to do 撤回;取消;打退堂鼓

They’ ve cried off at the last minute. 他们在最后时刻打了退堂鼓。

ˌcry ˈout
1  I  to make a loud noise because you are in pain or because you are afraid or shocked 大叫;大喊

It’ s enough to make most people cry out in horror. 这足以让大多数人害怕得大叫。

2  I/T  to shout something , especially when you are surprised or worried (尤指在吃惊或担心时)大声喊叫

‘Be careful!’ Miss Honey cried out. “小心!”霍尼小姐大声喊道。

+for Someone was crying out for help. 有人在大声呼救。

ˌcry ˈout for
PHRASAL VB  T  usually progressive
cry out for sth: to clearly need something a lot 显然迫切需要

This room is crying out for some new furniture. 这个房间显然急需添置一些新家具。





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