

单词 crush
crush 1 ★★
1  T  to hit or press something so hard that you damage it severely or destroy it , especially by making its shape flatter 撞坏;(尤指)压扁

The front of the car was completely crushed in the accident. 汽车的前部在事故中被彻底压扁。

1a to injure or kill someone by crushing them 压伤;压死

crush sb to death Two of the firefighters were crushed to death when a beam fell on them. 一根横梁砸在两名消防队员身上,把他们压死了。

1b to press something so hard that it breaks into very small pieces 压碎

Chop the onion and crush the garlic. 把洋葱切碎并压碎蒜头。

The drink is served over crushed ice. 饮料中放了碎冰块。

2  T  to completely defeat someone who is opposing you , especially by using force or violence 镇压;征服;制服

Any anti-government protest was swiftly crushed. 任何反对政府的抗议活动都被迅速镇压下去。

2a to easily defeat someone who is competing against you 轻松战胜
3  T  usually passive to make someone feel disappointed , embarrassed , or upset 使失望(或尴尬、烦恼)

I was crushed that I wasn’ t invited. 我因为没有被邀请而心烦意乱。

4  I/T  if you crush something such as cloth , or it crushes, it becomes covered with small untidy folds 弄皱;(使)起皱

She refused to sit down in case she crushed her dress. 她不愿意坐下,以免弄皱裙子。





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