

单词 cover
cover 2 ★★★
1  C  something that you put over something else in order to hide it , protect it , or close it 覆盖物;盖子;罩子;套子

She put plastic covers on all the furniture. 她把所有家具都用塑料罩盖上。

duvet/cushion covers 羽绒被套/坐垫套子

2 the covers  plural  sheets and blankets that you lie under in bed 被子;毯子

He pulled the covers up and turned out the light. 他拉好被子并熄了灯。

3  C  the outside page at the front or back of a book or magazine 封皮;封面;封底

Her face was once on the cover of Vogue magazine. 她的脸孔曾经上过《时尚》杂志的封面。

read sth from cover to cover (=read it all) On the train I read the newspaper from cover to cover. 从头读到尾

3a the paper or card on the front of a record or CD (唱片或CD的)封套
4  U  BRITISH  an agreement by an insurance company to pay money in a particular situation or for a particular event , person , or thing . AMERICANcoverage 保险协议

+for The policy does not provide cover for belongings when they are outside the home. 财产不在房屋之内时,不在本保险单的承保范围内。

+against You need to arrange cover against your traveller’ s cheques being stolen. 你得买份保险以防旅行支票失窃。

5  U  places such as buildings or trees where people or animals can hide or shelter from the weather 掩蔽物;藏身处

The troops had to run across open fields with no cover. 部队不得不在没有任何掩护的空地上跑过。

run for cover/take cover Everybody ran for cover as the hail started to fall. 下冰雹时,人人都跑去躲避。

break cover (=come out from a shelter) We waited patiently for the rabbits to break cover. 从隐蔽处出来

6  U  protection from attack , especially from someone with a gun (尤指他人用枪进行的)掩护

give cover Detective Philips entered the house while the other officers gave cover. 菲利普斯侦探进入房子的时候,其他警察进行掩护。

7  C  a legal business that is used for hiding an illegal or secret activity (非法或秘密活动的)掩饰,幌子

+for His import-export company was a cover for a drug-smuggling operation. 他的进出口公司只是贩毒活动的一个幌子。

7a a false story that is used for hiding who someone really is 借口;托词

His cover was that he was an ordinary fan interested in joining the gang. 他的借口是他只是个喜欢加入帮派的普通球迷而已。

blow sb’ s cover (=to tell people who someone really is) She had to leave the country after her cover was blown. 揭穿某人的老底

8  U  BRITISH  an arrangement in which a person does the work of someone who is away from work 代替

+for The supply teacher provides cover for teachers who are sick. 这位代课教师是为生病的老师代课的。

emergency/holiday/maternity cover an agency that provides emergency cover 提供应急措施的机构

9 cover  C  a song that is recorded by someone who is not the original performer 翻录的歌曲

They did a brilliant cover of the old Abba song. 他们出色地翻录了阿巴乐队的那首老歌。

10  C  a place for one person at a table in a restaurant (餐馆供一人用餐的)用餐处
11  C/U  AMERICAN  a cover charge
-   under cover
pretending to be someone else in order to find out secret information

go/work under cover Working under cover is one of the most dangerous types of police work. 卧底是警察工作中最危险的工作之一。

-   under cover of night/darkness
hidden by darkness

They planned to attack under cover of darkness. 他们打算在黑暗的掩护下发起攻击。

-   under separate cover
used in a letter for saying that something will be sent separately




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