

单词 copy
copy 2 ★★
1  T  to make a copy that is the same as the original thing 复制

They were charged with illegally copying videotapes. 他们被控非法复制录像带。

Changes can occur when DNA is copied from one cell to another. 当DNA从一个细胞被复制到另一个细胞时,可能会发生变化。

1a  I/T  to make a copy of a piece of information by writing it somewhere 抄写

Just copy what’ s in the book. 把书上的照抄下来就行。

+from The students spent the whole lesson copying from the blackboard. 学生们整节课都在抄黑板上的内容。

copy sth into sth He copied the number into his notebook. 他把数字抄到笔记本上。

1b  T  to make a photocopy 复印

I copied the letter and kept the original. 我把信复印了一份,留下了原件。

1c  T  to make a copy of a piece of computer data , such as a piece of writing or a program 复制,备份(文本、程序等计算机数据)

Use the mouse to highlight the text you want to copy. 用鼠标选中想要复制的文本。

copy sth over/across/to/onto To install, first copy the setup file onto your hard drive. 安装时先把安装文件复制到硬盘上。

2  I/T  to do something in the same way as someone else 模仿;仿效

The instructor does exercises that you can copy while you watch. 教练做操时你可以边看边模仿。

Children learn by watching and copying. 孩子们通过观察和模仿进行学习。

3  T  to take someone else’ s ideas or methods and use them 仿效;照搬

Bush’ s slogan ‘compassionate conservatism’ was copied by several European politicians. 布什“富有同情心的保守主义”的口号被欧洲好几位政治家照搬了过去。

4  T  to deliberately make something that looks exactly like something else 临摹;仿造

She had painstakingly copied an 18th-century painting. 她已精心临摹了一幅18世纪的油画。

5  I/T  to look at someone else’ s work and write the same as they have , for example in order to cheat in an examination 抄袭;剽窃
ˌcopy ˈdown
to write exactly what someone has written or said 抄下来;记下来

We carefully copied down the chemical formula. 我们认真抄下了化学式。

ˌcopy ˈin
to send someone a copy of an email or letter that you are sending to another person (将电子邮件或信件)抄送给(某人)

I’ ll email her about it, and copy you in. 我会发电子邮件告诉她这件事,同时抄送一份给你。

ˌcopy ˈout
to write something again exactly as it has been written 抄写出(复本)

We had to copy out sentences from a book. 我们得抄写书上的句子。

ˈcopy ˌto
copy sth to sb: to send a copy of a message or letter to someone 抄送(讯息或信件)给(某人)

I accidentally copied the email to everyone in the company. 我无意中把电子邮件抄送给了公司的每一个人。

Other ways of saying :  copy
photocopy to make an exact copy of a document using a special machine(用复印机)复印: Make sure you photocopy your accounts before you send them off.你把账目寄出去之前一定要先复印。
reproduce to make a copy of a picture, sound, or piece of writing, especially using modern technology(尤指用现代技术)再现,复制(画面、声音或文本): Old photographs can be digitally reproduced and made to look like new.旧照片可以用数码技术再现,看上去跟新的一样。The system enables record companies to reproduce the performances of celebrated pianists from the past.该系统使唱片公司能够再现旧时著名钢琴家的演奏。
imitate to copy someone else’ s voice, expressions, or movements, often in order to entertain people模仿(他人的声音、表情或动作,常用于逗人笑): At school, he used to make everyone laugh by imitating the teachers.上学时,他常常模仿老师把大家逗笑。
forge to make a copy of something and illegally pretend that it is the original thing伪造(指非法复制某物以其冒充真品): It is alleged that Keen forged his mother’ s signature on the will.据称基恩在遗嘱上伪造了他母亲的签名。
plagiarize to copy someone else’ s words or ideas and pretend that they are your own抄袭,剽窃(他人的话或观点并假称是自己的): His tutors are concerned that part of his thesis may be plagiarized.他的导师们担心他的论文有些部分可能是抄袭的。
pirate to make an illegal copy of something such as a book, software, or a video非法翻印,盗印,盗版(书、软件或录像等): They’ re accused of pirating millions of dollars’ worth of films and CDs.他们被控盗版了价值几百万美元的电影和CD。




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