

单词 agree
agree ★★★
VERB not usually progressive  
1  I/T  to have the same opinion as someone else 赞同;持相同意见

Doreen thought that the house was too small, and Jim agreed. 多琳觉得这房子太小,吉姆持有同感。

+with I agree with my mother about most things. 在大多数事情上我与我母亲意见相同。

I entirely agree with the comments you made about public transport. 我完全赞同你所作的有关公共交通的评论。

+(that) We all agree that we should celebrate this event. 我们都赞同应该庆祝这一事件。

it is agreed (that) It is generally agreed that we should eat less fat and more vegetables. 人们普遍认同应该少吃肥肉多吃蔬菜。

+on/about The committee members agreed on the need for more information. 委员会成员就需要更多信息一事达成了一致意见。

2  I  to say that you will do something that someone else wants or suggests 应允;同意

I asked her to marry me, and she agreed. 我向她求婚,她答应了。

agree to do sth The school agreed to send the students on the course. 校方同意送学生参加该课程培训。

+to We have agreed to their request for a full investigation. 我们答应了他们进行全面调查的要求。

2a  I/T  to decide together what will be done and how it will be done 商定;达成(协议)

Yesterday management and unions agreed a pay deal. 昨天资方和工会就工资问题达成了协议。

+on/upon We need to agree on a date for our next meeting. 我们需要商定下次会议的日期。

3  I  if two pieces of information agree , they are the same or suggest the same thing 相同;相符;一致

The statements given by the two witnesses did not agree. 两个证人所作的陈述不一致。

+with The observations agree with the predictions we made earlier. 观察结果与我们早期的预计相符。

-   agree to differ/to disagree
to accept that someone else does not have the same opinion as you and agree not to argue about it any more
-   I couldn’ t agree more spoken
used for emphasizing that you agree with something that someone has said
aˈgree with
1 agree with sth: to think that something is the right thing to do 赞同(某事)

I don’ t agree with corporal punishment in schools. 我不赞成在学校里进行体罚。

agree with doing sth He doesn’ t agree with giving money to beggars. 他不赞成给乞丐们钱。

2 agree with sb: if something agrees with you , it does not make you feel ill 适合(某人)

Stop taking the medicine if it doesn’ t agree with you. 如果对药物感到不适,即停止服用。

I find that country life really agrees with me. 我发现乡村生活确实很适合我。

3 agree with sth: linguistics   if a word such as a verb or adjective agrees with a noun or pronoun , it has the correct form for the noun or pronoun , according to whether it is singular or plural , masculine or feminine (在数、性等方面)与…呼应,与…一致
Ways of expressing agreement
that’ s right/you’ re right/I know 对/你是对的/我知道 agreeing with someone(同意某人)
exactly/absolutely/I couldn’ t agree more (我)完全赞同 agreeing very strongly(强烈赞同)
I suppose so/I guess so 我想也是 when you agree that someone is right, but you are not happy with the situation(在认同某人是对的之时,对情况表示不满意)
I take your point/you have a point/that’ s true, but... 我明白/你是对的/那没错,可是… saying that you agree with someone, when in fact you may disagree(口头上对某人表示同意,但实际上可能不赞同)
‘It’ s supposed to be a very good school.’ ‘ That’ s right . They get great results.’ “据说这是所很好的学校。”“没错,他们学生的考试成绩很好。”‘He’ s really boring, isn’ t he?’ ‘Oh, I know , he never stops talking about himself.’ “他真烦人,是吧?”“噢,我知道,他总是滔滔不绝地讲他自己的事。”
‘When we were young, people didn’ t get into debt.’ ‘ Exactly. You just bought what you could afford.’ “我们年轻那会儿,人们都不欠债。”“就是,你就买你买得起的东西。”‘I think Jacob is the best person for the job.’ ‘ Absolutely . I’ ll be amazed if he doesn’ t get it.’ “我认为雅各布是这工作的最合适人选。”“绝对是,他要是得不到这工作我倒是会觉得奇怪。” ‘We had to wait three months to get a phone line – it’ s ridiculous.’ ‘ I couldn’ t agree more .’ “接一条电话线我们得等上3个月,真是荒唐。”“太对了。”
‘We’ ll have to get some new tyres.’ ‘ I suppose so/I guess so . But it will be expensive.’ “我们得买些新轮胎了。”“我想也是,但会很贵。”
‘These taxes on petrol are far too high.’ ‘Well yes, you have a point . But maybe that’ ll encourage people to use their cars less.’ “这些汽油税太高了。”“是呀,你说得有道理。但也许这样能鼓励人们少用汽车。” ‘She’ s a difficult person to work with.’ ‘ That’ s true, but she’ s a really good designer.’ “她不大容易与人共事。”“对,但她确实是个优秀的设计师。”
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