

单词 cool
cool 1 ★★★
1 rather cold , often in a pleasant way 凉的;凉快的

The water was wonderfully cool and refreshing. 水很凉,让人神清气爽。

Store the wine in a cool dry place. 把酒储藏在凉爽干燥的地方。

Tomorrow it will be cloudy and cool everywhere. 明天各地都是多云,天气凉爽。

1a food that is cool is no longer hot (食物)凉的

When the biscuits are cool, brush them with melted chocolate. 等饼干凉了以后,涂上融化的巧克力。

1b cool clothes prevent you from feeling too hot (衣服)凉爽的

He put on a cool cotton shirt and a pair of shorts. 他穿上凉爽的棉衬衫和短裤。

1c cool colours, such as white and blue , give an idea of cold instead of heat (颜色)冷色调的

The place was painted in a cool glossy white. 那地方被粉刷成了光洁的冷白色。

2 calm and relaxed 冷静的;沉着的;从容的

a cool and calm atmosphere 平静的气氛

her cool handling of the situation 她对局面的冷静处理

3 not friendly or enthusiastic 冷漠的;冷淡的

The presidential candidate got a cool reception. 总统候选人受到了冷遇。

a cool ruthless manner 冷漠无情的态度

4 impressive because of being fashionable or attractive 时髦的;酷的

one of Britain’ s coolest young designers 英国最酷的年轻设计师之一

It’ s not considered cool to wear a helmet. 带头盔让人觉得不够酷。

4a used for emphasizing how good someone or something is 美妙的;棒的

We had such a cool time at your party. 我们在你的晚会上过得愉快极了。

I met this really cool girl last night. 我昨天晚上遇见了这位很棒的姑娘。

4b used for agreeing to something or saying that something would be convenient 好极了,可以(用于表示同意或方便)

‘We could go to see a film.’ ‘Cool.’ “我们可以去看场电影。”“好极了。”

Any time after five would be cool. 5点以后的任何时间都可以。

5 only before noun informal   used with an amount of money for emphasizing how large it is (钱)大笔的,不折不扣的,整整的

He ended up with a cool £50,000. 他最终得到了整整5万英镑。

-   play it cool informal
to behave calmly and not show your emotions, so that people do not know what you are thinking or feeling
coolness  noun   U 

We sat and enjoyed the coolness of the shade. 我们坐在那儿享受着树阴下的凉爽。

There was a definite coolness between the two men. 这两个男人之间关系明显很冷淡。

See also
cool head




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