

单词 cook
cook 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to prepare food and heat it so that it is ready to eat 烹调;煮;烧

Cook the apple slowly until it is soft. 用文火把苹果煮软。

When did you learn to cook? 你什么时候学的做饭?

cook sth for sb Joe’ s cooking dinner for me tonight. 乔今晚要为我做晚饭。

cook sb sth He offered to cook me lunch. 他提出要为我做午饭。

1a  I  when food cooks, it is heated so that it is ready to eat 被烹调;被烧煮

The potatoes need to cook for about 20 minutes. 马铃薯要煮20分钟左右。

2  T  informal   to change information dishonestly 篡改(信息)

They cooked the scripts to make Adams look stupid. 他们篡改文稿,想让亚当斯出丑。

2a to change accounts and figures dishonestly, usually in order to get money (通常为捞取金钱而)篡改账目
-   be cooking spoken
to be happening or being planned, often secretly

I’ ll try and find out what’ s cooking. 我会尽力查出其中到底有什么名堂。

-   cook sb’ s goose informal
to cause a lot of problems for someone or spoil their plans
ˌcook ˈup
to invent a story , excuse , or plan 捏造;编造;策划

Between them they cooked up some story to tell their parents. 他们私下里编了个故事来哄父母。

Other ways of saying :  cook
boil to cook food in boiling water(用沸水)煮: Boil the potatoes for about 20 minutes.用沸水把马铃薯煮上20分钟左右。
simmer to allow something to boil very gently(用文火)煮: Bring the sauce to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer gently.把调味汁烧开,然后把火关小,用文火炖。
bake to cook food, especially bread or cakes, in an oven(用烤箱)烘,焙,烤(尤指面包或蛋糕): I spent all afternoon baking cakes.我整个下午都在烤蛋糕。
roast to cook meat or vegetables in an oven with fat or oil(用油在烤箱内)烤,炙,烘(肉类或蔬菜): Roast the chicken in a hot oven.用热烤箱烤鸡。
fry to cook food in hot oil煎;炸: Do you want your eggs fried or boiled?你想吃煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋?
broil AMERICAN to cook food under or over a very strong heat. The British word is grill(用大火)烤,炙,烧(英国英语中用grill): Broil the pork chops about four inches from the heat for four minutes on each side.把猪排放在离火约4英寸处,两面各烤4分钟。
grill BRITISH to cook food under or over a very strong heat. The American word is broil(用大火)烤,炙,烧(美国英语中用broil): The lamb patties can be grilled in the oven very quickly.用这烤炉很快就可以把羊肉饼烤熟。




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