

单词 ago
ago ★★★
  Ago follows a word or expression referring to a period of time. It is usually used with a past tense, not with a perfect tense
used for saying how much time has passed since something happened 以前;从前

Your wife phoned a few minutes ago. 你妻子几分钟前打来电话。

The Vietnam War ended over 25 years ago. 越南战争结束于25年之前。

How long ago did this happen? 这事情多久之前发生的?

I don’ t know where he is – he was here a minute ago. 我不知道现在他在哪儿,刚才他还在这儿。

It was ages ago that I saw Mick. 我很久没见到米克了。

long ago Long ago in a far-off land, there was a king called Midas. 很久以前,在一个遥远的地方,有个国王叫做米达斯。

Use ago to say how long before the present time something happened用ago 表示某事是在距现在之前多久发生的: He died two years ago. Use before to say how long before a time in the past something had happened用before 表示某事是在过去某时间之前多久发生的: I remembered that I had met her ten years before. Use for to say how long something in the past continued用for 表示过去的某事延续了多长时间: Their marriage lasted for fifteen years.




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