

单词 contribute
contribute ★★★
1  I/T  to give money , goods , or your time and effort in order to achieve something , especially when other people are also helping 捐助(金钱、物品);贡献(时间、精力)

+to Many local businesses offered to contribute to the school rebuilding fund. 当地的许多企业主动向学校的重建基金慷慨解囊。

contribute sth to/towards sth He promised to contribute £5,000 towards the cost of the lawsuit. 他答应出5000英镑诉讼费。

The UK will contribute 8,000 troops to the NATO operation. 英国将为北约的行动提供一支8000人的部队。

2  I/T  to be a part of a group or an activity and help it to be successful (使)(在团体或活动中)出力,起作用

contribute sth to sth Davis didn’ t really contribute much to the game in the second half. 在下半场比赛中,戴维斯并没有真正起多大作用。

have a lot/much/nothing to contribute He felt he had nothing to contribute to the discussion. 他感到自己对这项讨论没有什么可说的。

3  I  to be one of the things that help to make something happen 有助于;促成

+to The scandal certainly contributed to their defeat at the last election. 丑闻当然也部分地导致了他们在上次选举中的失败。

contributing factor (=one of the things that causes something) Speed is a contributing factor in many road accidents. 促成因素

4  I/T  to write stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine 投(稿);撰(稿)

contribute sth to sth She continued to contribute articles to sports magazines. 她继续为体育杂志撰稿。





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