

单词 confused
confused ★★
1 unable to understand something or think clearly about it 迷惑不解的;糊涂的

She was starting to feel a bit confused. 她开始感到有点迷惑不解。

+ about I’ m still a little confused about what happened. 我对发生的事仍然有点不解。

totally/utterly/thoroughly/hopelessly confused Polly stared at him, totally confused. 波利盯着他,一副迷惑不解的样子。

1a used for describing someone whose memory or mental powers are starting to fail 神志迷乱的;头脑不清醒的
2 complicated and not well organized or explained 混乱的;解释不清的

Their ideas were a bit confused. 他们的想法有点混乱。

The situation is still fairly confused. 局势还是相当混乱。

confusedly  adv 
Being confused is like being lost or in the wrong place or position .
感到困惑就像迷了路(lost)或处于错误的位置(in the wrong place or position)。
You’ ve lost me. What do you mean?你把我弄糊涂了。你是什么意思?
I was completely at sea: it was all so new to me.我一片茫然:这一切对于我来说都是那么新奇。
I felt adrift and alone, with no real sense of direction.我独自一人漂泊游荡,没有了真正的方向感。
I seem to have lost my bearings.我好像已经迷失了方向。
I don’ t know if I’ m coming or going.我搞不清楚自己该何去何从。
I feel like a fish out of water.我感觉就像鱼儿离开了水。
You’ ve got it all back to front.你把它完全前后颠倒了。
See also ->knowledge
See also ->mistake
See also ->situation




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