

单词 concern
concern 1 ★★★
1  U  a feeling of worry about something , especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue 担心;忧虑

+about/over/at Many people expressed concern over moves to restore the death penalty. 许多人对恢复死刑的举措表示担忧。

There’ s a lot of public concern about modern farming methods. 现代耕种方法已引起了公众的广泛关注。

+that There is some concern that the country may slide into civil war. 有些人担心这个国家可能会陷入内战。

express/voice concern Many people have voiced concern over the proposed changes in the law. 许多人就该法律所提议的改动表示了担心。

cause concern/be a cause for concern Doctors said her condition was causing concern. 医生说她病情堪忧。

growing/widespread concern There is growing concern about the safety of mobile phones. 人们越来越担心移动电话的安全问题。

a matter of concern (=something that makes people feel worried) The issue of alcohol-related crime is becoming a matter of great concern. 令人担心的事

1a  C  something that worries you 令人担心的事

Landfill sites raise some important environmental concerns. 垃圾填埋场引发出一些令人担心的重大环境问题。

+about/over The trip was cancelled because of concerns about safety. 出于对安全的考虑,这次旅行被取消了。

raise/express/voice concerns Many doctors have raised concerns about the drug. 许多医生对这种药表示担心。

deep/grave concerns The changes have raised deep concerns in the local community. 那些变化在当地社区引起了深切的关注。

main/major concern Eighteen percent of people said unemployment was their main concern. 18%的人说失业是他们主要担心的事。

2  C/U  something that you think is important 关心的事;重要的事

My only concern is to find my daughter. 我唯一关心的事是找到我女儿。

main/primary/major concern Our primary concern is to give our clients practical care. 我们最关心的是给我们的顾客以实际的关怀。

3  U  a feeling that you care about someone and want them to be happy and well 关心;挂念

+for He showed a complete lack of concern for the children’ s welfare. 他一点也不关心孩子们的幸福。

genuine concern ‘Are you alright?’ she said with genuine concern. “你没事吧?”她关切地问道。

4  singular  always in negatives if something is not your concern , you are not responsible for it and do not need to become involved in it (某人)关心的事

His private life is no concern of ours. 他的私生活不关我们的事。

4a if something is your concern , you are responsible for it and have to deal with it 责任

If children are missing school then that is the parents’ concern. 孩子们如果没去上学,那就是父母的责任。

5  C  a business 公司;企业

a large concern employing 60 people 雇用了60个人的大公司

-   of concern to sb
if something is of concern to you , you think it is important and you feel worried about it

of major/great concern It’ s an issue of major concern to employers. 这与雇主有着重大的利害关系。

  Words frequently used with concern
  concern 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   central, chief, main, major, overriding, primary, principal,




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