/eɪdʒ/ |
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1 | I to look or seem older 显老 |
| Her father had aged dramatically since she had last seen him. 自从她上次见到父亲后,父亲已经明显地苍老了。 |
| 1a | T to make someone look or seem older 使显老 | | The sun had prematurely aged him. 日晒使他过早显老。 | |
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2 | I to become older 变老;老化 |
| As you age, your skin becomes less elastic. 随着你年龄增大,皮肤会变得不那么有弹性。 |
| She has aged well (=still looks attractive or young) . 她没怎么变老。 |
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3 | I/T if wine ages or you age it , its taste improves because it is kept for some time (酒)陈化;使(酒)变陈 |
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4 | T BRITISH to calculate or guess the age of something 推算年龄 |
| It is now possible to age a tree without cutting it down. 现在可以不用把树砍倒来推算树龄。 |