

单词 affect
affect ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to change or influence something . If something affects something else , it has an effect on it 影响

Did the newspapers really affect the outcome of the election? 报纸真的影响了选举结果吗?

It is known that poor housing significantly affects educational achievement. 众所周知,住房条件差会严重影响学业成绩。

1a to cause physical damage to something (身体上)伤害

The disease affects many different organs of the body. 这种疾病会侵袭身体的许多器官。

The area has been badly affected by pollution. 该地区已受到严重污染。

1b to have a strong effect on someone’ s emotions (感情上)打动,震动

She had been deeply affected by her parents’ divorce. 父母的离异使她深受打击。

My pleading didn’ t seem to affect him at all. 他似乎一点也不为我的请求所动。

2 formal   to behave as if you feel something that you do not or as if you are a type of person that you are not 假装;佯装

She affected a look of disinterest as she glanced at his newspaper. 她装出一副了无兴趣的样子,瞥了一眼他的报纸。





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