

单词 choke
choke 1
1  I/T  if you choke , or if something chokes you , you cannot breathe because there is not enough air or because something is blocking your throat (使)噎住;(使)无法呼吸;(使)窒息

Joe took a bite of the steak and started to choke. 乔咬了一口牛排就被噎住了。

+on Ruth almost choked on a mouthful of cake. 鲁思差点被一口蛋糕噎住。

choke to death The four-year-old choked to death after swallowing a coin. 那个4岁的孩子吞下一枚硬币后窒息而亡。

choking smoke/fumes/smog The room was filled with choking fumes. 房间里弥漫着呛人的烟雾。

2  T  to squeeze someone’ s neck so they cannot breathe 掐住…的脖子

Charlie wanted to take Herrick by the throat and choke him to death. 查理想扼住赫里克的喉咙把他掐死。

3  I  if your voice chokes, you cannot speak clearly , usually because of a strong emotion or because you are laughing (通常因感情强烈或笑而)说不出话来

+with Her voice choked with emotion when she spoke of the sister she had lost. 她说起逝去的姐姐时,声音哽住了。

3a  T  to say something in a strange voice and with difficulty because you are frightened , angry , sad etc (因恐惧、愤怒或悲伤等)哽咽着说

‘I don’ t want to be your secretary!’ she choked. “我不想当你的秘书!”她哽咽道。

4 choke  T  to fill a place so that it is difficult to move 塞满;塞住

+with We live in cities that are choked with traffic. 我们住在交通拥挤的城市里。

5 choke  T  to stop someone or something from developing or being successful 阻止;抑制

Business leaders claim that the strong pound is choking exports. 商界领袖宣称坚挺的英镑正在阻碍出口。

If prices are too high, demand is choked off. 如果价格过高,需求就会受到抑制。

6  T  if stronger plants choke weaker ones, they surround them and stop them from growing (植物)扼杀

The weeds quickly choke less robust plants. 野草很快就覆没了弱小的植物而使其枯萎。

7  I  informal   to fail to achieve something , especially because you lose confidence (尤指因失去信心而)失败

Jordan seemed to choke and missed three easy shots. 乔丹似乎失去了信心,投丢了3个容易投中的球。

ˌchoke ˈback or ˌchoke ˈdown 
to stop yourself from showing a feeling or emotion 忍住;抑制住

choke back tears Ms Ross choked back tears as she described what had happened. 罗斯小姐描述事情经过时强忍着泪水。

ˌchoke ˈdown
1 to eat or drink something with difficulty because you do not like it or because you are ill or upset (因不喜欢、生病或心烦而)困难地咽下

Emma managed to choke down a banana. 埃玛硬咽下一根香蕉。

2 choke back

Gail tried to choke down the urge to hit him. 盖尔试图忍住揍他的冲动。

ˌchoke ˈoff
choke off sth: choke15
ˌchoke ˈup
1  I/T  if someone chokes up , or if something chokes them up , they cannot speak because they are starting to cry (使)说不出话来

When we met again after five years, I just choked up. 5年以后我们再见面时,我激动得说不出话来。

2  T  choke14

Cars and trucks are choking up our streets. 轿车和卡车把我们的街道堵塞了。





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