

单词 check
check 2 ★★
1  C  an examination of something to find out whether it is as it should be 检查;核对

+for a check for spelling errors 拼写错误检查

+on routine checks on the condition of the planes 对飞机状况的例行检查

make a check He made a final check of the doors to be sure they were locked. 他最后查看了一遍所有的门,以确认它们都已锁好。

do a check They’ ll be doing a sound check before the concert. 音乐会之前他们还会对音响进行一下检查。

1a an examination of someone to find out whether they are healthy 体检

+for a routine check for skin cancer 皮肤癌的例行检查

1b an examination by the police , army etc of an area , or people or vehicles passing through an area , in order to be certain that there is no danger or illegal activity (警察、部队等对某地区、人群、过往车辆的)安全检查

Airport police confirmed that the courier had managed to pass through the security check. 机场警方证实那名情报员已设法通过了安检。

+on They run a police check on all applicants for a gun licence. 他们让警察检查所有申请持枪许可证的人。

2  C  something that controls another thing and stops it from becoming worse , too powerful etc 抑制(手段);制止(措施)

+on Economic forces act as a check on political power. 经济成为抑制政治权力的力量。

3  C/U  a pattern of squares, usually of two colours (通常由两种颜色构成的)方格图案

a sheet with red and white checks 红白相间的方格床单

wearing a check shirt 穿着方格衬衣

4  U  the position of the king in the game of chess when it is threatened by another piece (国际象棋中的)被“将军”的局面
5  C  AMERICAN  the bill in a restaurant (餐馆的)账单

How much is the check? 该付多少钱?

6the AMERICAN spelling ofcheque单词cheque的美式拼法
7  C  AMERICAN  a tick for showing that something is correct (表示正确的)钩号
-   keep/hold sb/sth in check
to control someone or something that might cause damage or harm

attempts to hold global warming in check 为阻止地球变暖做出的努力

  Words frequently used with check
  check 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   final, random, regular, routine, stringent, thorough,




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