

单词 abandon
abandon 1 ★★
VERB  T   
1 to leave someone when you should stay with them and look after them 抛弃;遗弃

His mother abandoned him when he was five days old. 他出生才5天母亲就遗弃了他。

1a to stop supporting or helping someone 背弃

Hardy felt that he had been abandoned by all his followers. 哈迪觉得所有的追随者都背弃了自己。

1b to suddenly leave someone that you are with (突然)抛下(某人)离开

I’ m sorry I abandoned you like that. 很抱歉我那样突然抛下你走了。

2 to leave a place , especially because it is difficult or dangerous to stay there (尤指因困难或危险而)离开(某地)

Most of the villagers have abandoned their homes and fled. 大部分村民弃家逃走了。

The coastal settlements were abandoned in the 19th century. 沿海的定居点废弃于19世纪。

3 to leave something in a place , especially because you are in a hurry or are trying to escape (尤因匆忙或想要逃跑而)丢弃,舍弃

The stolen car was abandoned only five miles away. 被盗汽车被丢弃在仅5英里之外的地方。

a heap of abandoned rifles 一堆丢弃的枪支

4 to stop something that you are doing or planning to do , especially because it is too difficult to continue (尤因难以为继而)中止,放弃

After 20 lessons I finally abandoned my attempt to learn to drive. 上了20节课后,我最终放弃了学驾车的尝试。

The game had to be abandoned because of rain. 比赛因下雨而被迫中止。

George almost persuaded me to abandon my studies and join him. 乔治差点就说服了我放弃学业跟他合作。

4a to stop behaving or talking in a particular way , because it does not help you to achieve what you want 停止(某种行为或说话方式)

She abandoned caution and began scrambling down the cliff. 她不再小心翼翼,开始顺着悬崖往下爬。

abandon all/any pretence (=stop trying to pretend something) By 1978, they had abandoned all pretence of democratic principles. 抛掉所有的虚伪面具

5 to stop believing or supporting an idea 放弃(某观点)

Despite current problems, they have not abandoned their commitment to the peace process. 尽管目前还有许多问题,但他们并未放弃对和平进程的承诺。

By this time, the steady state theory of the universe had been largely abandoned. 到此时,宇宙稳态论大半已被扬弃。

-   abandon (all) hope
to stop believing or hoping that something will happen

The family had abandoned all hope of finding him alive. 家人对他的生还已经不抱任何希望。

-   abandon ship
1 to leave a ship or boat because it is dangerous to stay 弃船(逃生)
2 to leave an organization because you think it will fail (因认为其将会失败而)退出组织
-   abandon yourself to sth literary
to feel an emotion so strongly that you do not think about anything else
abandonment  noun   U 
  Words frequently used with abandon
  abandon 的常见搭配词
  nouns   belief, claim, commitment, concept, idea, policy, principle,




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