

单词 catch
catch 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to stop and hold something that is moving through the air , especially an object that someone throws 接住

She tossed the packet of crisps to Kate, who caught it with one hand. 她把那包薯片扔给凯特,凯特一只手就把它接住了。

‘Can I borrow your pen?’ ‘Here, catch!’ “我可以借用你的钢笔吗?”“喏,接住!”

1a  T  to stop and keep hold of someone who is falling 扶住(要倒的人)

Anne stayed close enough to catch the child if he fell. 安就呆在旁边,如果孩子摔倒,她可以扶住他。

1b  T  to end a cricketer’ s period of play by stopping and keeping hold of a ball they have hit before it touches the ground (板球中在球触地前)接住球使(击球手)出局
1c  I  to be the catcher in baseball (棒球比赛中)充当接球手
1d  T  if a container catches liquid or small objects or pieces, they fall into it when it is below them 接(水)

Put a bucket over there to catch the drips as they fall. 把一只水桶放到那边去接滴下来的水。

2  T  to get hold of and stop someone you have been chasing so that they cannot escape 抓住;拦住

She raced to catch the toddler before he could make it out of the front gate. 她赶在蹒跚学步的孩子迈出大门之前拦住了他。

‘Can’ t catch me’ , her brother shouted as he ran up the stairs. “抓不到我,”她哥哥一边往楼上跑一边喊道。

2a to take hold of someone or a part of their body with your hands 抓住;揪住

Jack caught her as she made for the door. 她朝门口冲出去时,杰克一把揪住了她。

catch sb by the wrist/elbow/sleeve etc With one swift movement, he caught her by the wrist. 他敏捷地一把抓住她的手腕。

catch hold of sb/sth She caught hold of his arm and pulled him back. 她抓住他的手臂,把他拉了回来。

3  T  if the police catch someone , they find them and arrest them (警察)捉住,逮住

The police say they’ re doing all they can to catch the culprits. 警察说他们正在尽其所能逮捕罪犯。

4  T  to get on a train , bus , plane , or boat that is travelling somewhere 搭乘(火车、公交车、飞机或轮船)

I caught the next train back to London. 我是搭乘后面一班火车回伦敦的。

4a to arrive in time to get on a train , bus , plane , or boat that is travelling somewhere 及时赶上

If we want to catch that bus we’ ll have to leave right now. 要想赶上那班公共汽车,我们现在就该出发了。

have a train/bus/plane etc to catch I have a train to catch, so we have to finish by 4.30. 我得赶火车,所以我们必须在4∶30之前结束。

5  T  to stop an animal , bird , or insect and prevent it from escaping, especially using a trap (尤指设置陷阱)捕捉

a device used for catching flies 捕蝇器具

We rescued a rabbit caught in a trap. 我们救了一只被困在陷阱里的兔子。

5a to hunt and stop an animal in order to kill and eat it 捕获;捕食

Wolves hunt in packs, using careful strategies to catch their prey. 狼通常是成群地觅食,用精心安排的策略捕获猎物。

5b to get a fish from a river , lake , or sea , using a fishing net or rod 捕(鱼)

Drift nets are used mainly for catching tuna. 流网主要用来捕捞金枪鱼。

freshly/locally caught freshly caught trout 刚捕获的鳟鱼

6  T  to find someone doing something that they do not expect you to see , especially something wrong or illegal 发现,发觉(某人做了错事或违法的事)

catch sb doing sth Several times she’ d caught him staring at her. 她好几次发现他盯着她看。

catch sb red-handed (=find someone doing something wrong or illegal) Diana was caught red-handed taking money from her mother’ s purse. 当场撞见某人;当场抓住某人做坏事

catch sb in the act (of doing sth) Burglars who are caught in the act have little chance of escaping punishment. 当场被抓的盗贼几乎逃脱不了惩罚。

catch sb at it They’ ve been trying to catch her at it, but she’ s too clever. 他们一直想当场抓住她,但是她太聪明了。

7  T  to find someone in a situation that they are not expecting or prepared for 发现对…无准备

The railway companies had all been caught completely unprepared by the sudden snowfalls. 暴风雪突降让毫无准备的铁路公司全都措手不及。

catch sb by surprise The question caught their spokesperson by surprise. 这个问题令他们的发言人措手不及。

catch sb at a bad moment/time I’ ve obviously caught you at a bad moment. I’ ll come back later. 我显然来得不是时候,我过后再来吧。

catch sb off (their) guard (=do something that someone is not ready for) Harry looked up suddenly, catching Emily off her guard. 让某人措手不及

8  T  to see or smell something for a very short time (短暂地)看到,闻到

catch a glimpse of sb/sth People lined the streets outside the theatre to catch a glimpse of her. 人们排队站在戏院外的街道上,就是为了看她一眼。

catch sight of sb/sth As she went out, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. 她出去的时候看到了镜子中的自己。

catch a whiff of sth (=smell something) Adam caught a whiff of expensive perfume as she passed by. 闻到

9  T  to have a sudden effect on something such as someone’ s attention or imagination (突然)引起…的注意,吸引住,迷住

Suddenly my attention was caught by a lorry parked a short distance ahead. 我的注意力突然被前面不远处停着的一辆卡车所吸引。

His campaign seems to have caught the imagination of many other Germans. 他的竞选活动好像已经吸引了许多其他德国人。

10  T  to get a disease or illness 染上(疾病)

He caught the flu and had to stay in bed. 他患了流感,只好卧床。

catch sth from sb/sth Brian caught chickenpox from his nephew. 布赖恩是从他侄子那儿染上的水痘。

catch your death (of cold) (=get a bad cold) Get out of those wet clothes or you’ ll catch your death of cold. 患重感冒

11  T  usually in negatives or questions to hear something that someone says 听见

The music was so loud I didn’ t catch what he said. 音乐声太大了,我没听见他说什么。

I’ m sorry, I didn’ t catch your name. 对不起,我没听清你的名字。

12  T  informal   to find someone available to talk by going to or telephoning them at the place where they are 找到(某人)

Call me at the office. You can usually catch me there after 8.30. 打电话到我办公室。通常8∶30 以后你就可以找到我。

Margaret caught me just as I was leaving. 我正要离开时,玛格丽特来找我了。

13  T  to discover a problem or medical condition and stop it from becoming worse 及早发现(问题或病情)

Doctors assured her that her symptoms had been caught early enough to treat. 医生让她放心,说她的症状已被及早发现,还来得及治疗。

14  T  informal   to see , watch , or listen to something 看;听

Want to catch a film tonight? 今晚想去看电影吗?

15  T  usually passive to become unexpectedly involved in an unpleasant or annoying situation 遭遇;陷入(困境)

be caught in sth We were caught in a heavy storm. 我们遇到一场大暴风雨。

Sorry I’ m late – I got caught in traffic. 对不起,我迟到了,我遇上塞车了。

be/get caught up in sth She got caught up in a clash between protesters and police. 她被卷入抗议者和警方的冲突之中。

be caught in the middle (=be involved in a disagreement between other people) My parents are always arguing, and it’ s me who gets caught in the middle. 被夹在中间

16  I/T  to become stuck on something , or make something do this (被)钩住;(被)绊住

As she ran, her foot caught on something and she fell. 她跑的时候脚被什么东西绊住,于是摔了一跤。

I must have caught my shirt on a nail when I was moving that wood. 我的衬衣一定是在我搬木头的时候让钉子钩住了。

17  T  if light catches something , or if something catches the light , the light shines on it and makes it look bright and shiny (光)照射于;受(光)照射

A fish in the river catches the light one second and swims off into a dark pool the next. 河里的一条鱼闪现了一下,紧接着游到旁边的深水池里去了。

18  T  if the wind or a wave catches something , it gets behind or under it and suddenly blows or pushes it hard (风)吹动;(浪)推动

The balloon was caught by the wind and carried away. 气球被一阵风刮走了。

19  T  usually passive if you are caught between two opposite feelings or actions, you do not know how to react to something 使进退两难

We were caught between wanting to believe him and finding his story too unlikely for words. 我们不知该相信他还是该认为他的故事太离谱。

20  T  to hit someone on a part of their body 打击;击中

He caught his opponent with a right cross to the chin. 他一记右钩拳正中对手的下巴。

20a to hit part of your body on something by accident (偶然)撞到,磕到

Sue slipped in the yard and caught her head on the gate post. 苏在院子里滑倒了,头撞在门柱上。

21  T  to show or be a symbol of something 表现;象征着

It wasn’ t a very radical or intellectual newspaper, but it caught a mood of dissent in mid-1950s America. 这家报纸并不是很激进,学术性也不强,但却揭示了20世纪50年代中期美国人的叛逆心理。

22  I/T  to start to burn (使)着火

The dry twigs soon caught fire. 枯枝很快就着火了。

-   be caught with your pants/trousers down informal
to be embarrassed by something that happens because you are not prepared for it
-   catch your breath
1 to stop breathing suddenly for a short time because you are surprised or impressed (因惊讶或感动而)屏息

beautiful scenes that make you catch your breath 美得让你屏息的景色

2 to take time to start to breathe normally again after physical exercise (运动后)喘气

I had to stop about halfway up the hill and catch my breath. 我不得不在大约半山腰的地方停下来喘口气。

-   catch sb’ s eye
1 if something catches your eye , you suddenly notice it 突然吸引某人的注意

There was one painting that caught my eye. 有一幅画突然吸引了我。

2 to get someone’ s attention by looking at them 引起某人的注意

He tried to catch the attendant’ s eye but the man was already turning away. 他试图引起服务员的注意,但那人已经转过身去了。

-   catch the post BRITISH
to post a letter in time for the next collection
-   catch some rays spoken
to lie in the sun for pleasure or to make your skin darker
-   catch the sun
1 to be in a sunny position 有阳光照射
2 BRITISH  informal   to get red painful skin because of being in the sun for too long 被晒伤
-   catch you later spoken
used for saying goodbye to someone when you expect to see them soon , or later the same day
-   you won’ t/wouldn’ t catch sb doing sth
used for saying that it is very unlikely that someone will or would do something

You wouldn’ t catch me taking work home every night. 我不可能每天晚上都把工作带回家去做。

ˈcatch at
catch at sth: to reach out and try to get hold of something 伸手去抓

He caught at her arm as she tried to move away. 她要走开时他伸手去抓她的手臂。

ˌcatch ˈon
1 to become popular or fashionable 受欢迎;变得流行

Sports drinks have caught on as consumers have become more health-conscious. 随着消费者健康意识的增强,运动型饮料开始流行起来。

2 to understand 理解;明白

He didn’ t catch on at first. 一开始他并没有理解。

+to Then I caught on to what it was the man was saying. 然后我才弄清那人在说什么。

ˌcatch ˈout
1 to show that someone has made a mistake or is not telling the truth , especially by asking them questions (尤指通过提问)揭露(某人犯了错误或说谎)

He asked her casual questions, less from genuine interest than to see if he could catch her out. 他随便问了她几个问题,并不是真正感兴趣,而是想让她露出马脚。

2 usually passive to put someone in an unpleasant or difficult situation that they are not prepared for 使某人措手不及

They came close to being caught out by the weather during another climb on Mont Blanc. 在另一次爬勃朗山时,他们差点因天气而落得个措手不及。

3 catch11b
ˌcatch ˈup
1  I/T  catch sb/sth up: to go faster so that you reach the person or vehicle in front of you 赶上(某人或车辆)

We left before them, but they soon caught us up again. 我们先于他们动身,但他们很快就又赶上来了。

+with If you hurry, you should catch up with them at the bridge. 你如果快点,应该能在桥边赶上他们。

2  I/T  catch sb/sth up: to improve in order to reach the same standard or rate as someone or something (在水平或速度方面)赶上,与…并驾齐驱

He’ s missed so much school that he’ s going to find it hard to catch up. 他漏了很多课,要想赶上将很困难。

+with Pressure grew for salaries to catch up with inflation. 为了与通货膨胀保持同一水平,加薪的压力增大了。

3  I  to do something that should have been done before 补做;赶着做

The deadline’ s tomorrow. How are we ever going to catch up in time? 明天就是最后期限了,我们怎么样才能及时赶出来呢?

+on I just want to go home and catch up on some sleep. 我只想回家好好补睡一觉。

+with Staff are struggling to catch up with the backlog. 员工们都在努力赶着把积压的工作做完。

4  I  to talk to someone you have not seen for some time and find out what they have been doing 通过交谈了解彼此的近况

Come over tomorrow and we can catch up. 明天过来,我们可以聊聊最近的情况。

+with I’ ll catch up with you another time, Kevin. 凯文,我改天要和你好好聊一聊。

It’ ll give them a chance to talk and catch up with all their news. 这会给他们一个聊天的机会,交流各自的消息。

ˌcatch ˈup with
1 to find and arrest someone who has committed a crime after searching for them or chasing them 逮捕;抓获

The police will catch up with you sooner or later. 警察迟早会把你捉拿归案的。

2 to begin to have an effect on someone 开始对…产生影响

The lack of sleep caught up with her, and she began to doze off. 睡眠不足开始影响她了,她打起了瞌睡。

See also
hop 2
rock 1
short 2




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