

单词 advance
advance 2 ★★
1  I/T  to move forward and towards someone or something (使)向前移动;(使)前进

Before he could advance another step, the men ran away. 他还没来得及再向前挪动一步,那些人就跑开了。

+on Troops are advancing on the village. 部队正在向那个村子进发。

1a  T  to make something such as a film or videotape move forward 使(影片或录像带等)快进

The technician advanced the film by a few frames. 技术员将影片快进了几格。

2  I  to progress and become better or more developed 取得进展;改进

Information technology has advanced dramatically since the 1960s. 自从20世纪60年代以来,信息技术进步惊人。

His cancer had now advanced so far that it could not be treated. 他的癌症现在已发展到晚期,无法治疗了。

2a  T  to help something progress and become more developed or successful 促进;加速…的进程

They use the Internet as a tool to advance their research. 他们用因特网作为工具来促进研究工作。

He will do anything to advance his career. 为了发展他的事业,他什么都肯做。

We are working to advance the cause of world peace. 我们正致力于促进世界和平事业。

3  T  formal   to suggest something for people to consider 提出;建议

She advanced the theory that children learn more from their friends than from their parents. 她提出了这样的理论:孩子从朋友那里学到的东西比从父母那里学到的要多。

4  T  to give or lend someone money before the usual time or before they do something 预付;预支;借贷

I asked the school to advance the funds for my trip. 我向学校请求预付我的旅行费用。

advance sb sth The bank is refusing to advance him any money. 银行拒绝贷款给他。

5  I  business   to increase in value 升值;增值

Stock market trading advanced slightly today. 今天证券市场交易略涨。

6  T  BRITISH  formal   to change a date or time so that something happens earlier 提前…的日期;使…提前发生




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