

单词 case
case 1 ★★★
1  C  an example or instance of something 事例;实例

+of a serious case of nerves 严重的神经性病例

1a an instance of a disease 病例

+of a bad case of food poisoning 严重的食物中毒病例

1b a person with a disease 病人

He treated several cases of severe sunburn. 他治疗过好几位被太阳严重灼伤的病人。

2  C  usually singular a situation or set of conditions, especially one involving a particular person or thing (尤指涉及特定之人或事的)情况,状况

I think we can make an exception in your case. 我认为我们可以对你的情况例外处理。

be the case This was the case in the past, but now life is different. 过去是那样,但现在生活不同了。

if that’ s the case If that’ s the case, I’ m not surprised he was angry. 如果是那样的话,他生气我就不觉得奇怪了。

it is the case that Isn’ t it the case that they’ re afraid of change? 他们害怕变化,难道不是吗?

it’ s a case of It really is a case of ‘no news is good news’ . 这真是“没消息就是好消息”。

in that case ‘I don’ t need it tonight.’ ‘In that case, I’ ll keep it until tomorrow.’ “我今晚不用。”“那样的话,我就留到明天。”

in which case They had the choice to comply with the conditions, in which case the bombing would have stopped. 他们可以选择顺从实际情况,这样的话轰炸本来是可以阻止的。

as is the case Often, as is the case for these families, there is no other source of support. 在许多情况下,就像这些家庭那样,没有其他资助来源。

2a used for saying that either of two things may be true , depending on the actual situation 视具体情况而定

An important consideration is the candidates’ experience, or lack of it, as the case may be. 要考虑的重要一点是求职者的工作经验,或者是工作经验的缺乏。

2b according to the particular facts relating to each situation 根据具体情况

The only thing we can do is to negotiate on a case by case basis. 我们唯一能做的就是视具体情况进行谈判。

3  C  a legal matter that will be decided in a court (诉讼)案件,官司

a civil/criminal case 民事/刑事案件

The case involved charges of police corruption. 这个案子涉及到对警察腐败的起诉。

a murder/rape/libel case A number of libel cases were taken to the Court of Appeal. 数起诽谤案都被提交到上诉法院。

+against He was confident the case against him would be dropped. 他深信对他的起诉最终会被撤回。

win/lose a case He would do anything to win a case. 为了打赢官司他会无所不为。

3a a crime that the police are trying to solve (有待侦查、审理的)犯罪案件

At least a dozen officers are investigating the murder case. 至少有12名警察在调查这起谋杀案。

3b the evidence and arguments that one side can use against the other in a law court (诉讼一方提出的)证据,论点

the case for the prosecution/the defence Mr Scott informed the judge that he had completed the case for the prosecution. 斯科特先生告诉法官他已经陈述完毕控方观点。

have a case (=have a chance of winning) The lawyers told me I didn’ t have a case. 有获胜的可能

4  C  a set of facts and arguments that you can state for or against something 事实;根据

This strengthens the case of those who argue that the UK should have a Bill of Rights. 这为那些认为英国应当有“人权法案”的人提供了有力的证据。

+for/against There is a strong case for government intervention. 政府干预有充足的理由。

state your case She was being offered a chance to state her case. 她得到一个陈述事实的机会。

make (out) a case for sth Calvin makes a good case for this unpopular policy in his article. 卡尔文在文章里充分阐述了这一政策不受欢迎的理由。

A case can be made for reducing taxes right now. 现在正是减税的最佳时机。

5  C  a situation or person to be dealt with , often by an official (常指官员要处理的)状况,工作对象

reports of cases of neglected and abused children 关于无人照管儿童和受虐待儿童状况的报道

Each social worker was assigned 30 cases. 给每位社会工作者分配了30个照顾对象。

6  C  a container or cover for keeping or protecting something 容器;套;罩;箱;盒;壳;鞘

Have you seen my glasses’ case anywhere? 你看见我的眼镜盒了吗?

The paintings were shipped in large wooden cases. 那些油画都是用大木箱运送的。

6a a piece of furniture made of wood and glass in which objects are shown in a shop or museum 橱窗
6b a container for holding a large number of separate things, especially bottles, or the things in the container (尤指盛放瓶子的)箱子;箱子里的东西

+of We bought a case of wine. 我们买了一箱酒。

6c a suitcase 手提箱
7  C/U  linguistics   a form of a noun , adjective , or pronoun in some languages that shows its relationship to other words in a sentence 格(一些语言中名词、形容词或代词等的一种形式,表明其与句中其他词的关系)
-   a case in point
an example of the situation or behaviour that you are talking about

Shoppers tend to think that high prices mean high quality. Electrical goods are a case in point. 购物者通常认为高价意味着高质量,电器就是一个很好的例子。

-   get off sb’ s case spoken
to stop criticizing someone
-   in any case
1 whatever the situation is or will be 无论如何;总之

Traffic may be bad, but in any case we’ ll be there in time for dinner. 交通可能不好,但无论如何,我们都会准时赴宴。

2 used for adding information to support a statement or make it clearer 不管怎么说

Nobody saw her on the train. In any case, she probably didn’ t have enough money for a ticket. 谁也没有看到她在火车上。不管怎么说,她很可能没有足够的钱买票。

-   in case
1 in order to be prepared for something that may happen 万一;以防

Take an umbrella in case it rains. 带上雨伞以防下雨。

just in case I’ ll make some sandwiches, just in case we get hungry later on. 我会做些三明治,以防一会儿我们肚子饿。

+of In case of bad weather, the wedding will be held indoors. 万一下雨,婚礼将在室内举行。

2 used for explaining why you are doing something 也许,说不定(用于解释为何做某事)

In case you were wondering, I’ m here to see your brother, not you. 也许你会感到奇怪,可我来这儿是看你哥哥而不是看你。


In case you can’ t come, give me a call before I leave for work. 如果你来不了,在我去上班之前给我打个电话。

-   on sb’ s case spoken
criticizing someone all the time
-   on the case
dealing with something

‘Who’ s finding out about the hotel?’ ‘Don’ t worry, Jane’ s on the case.’ “谁去找旅馆了?”“别担心,简在负责这事。”





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