

单词 carry
carry ★★★
1  T  to hold someone or something using your hands, arms , or body and take them somewhere 提;抱;扛;背;搬

Do you mind carrying this box for me? 你介意帮我搬这个箱子吗?

Luke was carrying a bag over his shoulder. 卢克肩上挎着一个包。

Sarah carried her cup of coffee back to her desk. 萨拉把咖啡端回到自己桌上。

1a to have something with you , usually in your pocket or bag 携带

I never carry much cash with me. 我身上从来不带很多现金。

British police officers don’ t normally carry guns. 英国警察一般不带枪。

1b to take or deliver a message to someone 送(口信);捎带

They carried the news of the massacre back to their villages. 他们把大屠杀的消息带回到村子里。

1c if water or air carries something or someone , it takes them with it as it moves along (水流、空气)夹带

The oil was carried by the tide onto the shore. 石油被潮水冲到海岸上。

1d if a vehicle carries someone or something somewhere , it takes them there (运载工具)把…送往

A plane carrying 120 passengers has crashed in India. 一架搭载着120名乘客的飞机在印度坠毁了。

1e if a road , pipe , or wire carries something along it , that thing moves or flows along it 运输;传送;输送

a cable carrying electricity to nearby homes 为附近居民送电的电缆

2  T  to have a disease and be capable of infecting someone else with it 传播(疾病)
2a to have a gene that causes a particular medical condition that you can pass to your children 携带(隐性疾病遗传基因)
3  T  if you carry a feeling with you , you have it in your mind all the time 怀着(某种感情)

He would carry the guilt with him forever. 他会永远内疚。

4  T  to publish or broadcast a news story 刊登;广播

All the papers carried the story the next day. 各家报纸都在第2天刊登了这篇报道。

5  T  if something carries a guarantee , it has it 具有,带有(保质期)

All our products carry a full 25-year guarantee. 我们的所有产品都有整整25年的保质期。

6  T  to do some of the work that someone else should be doing so that they can continue to do their job 干(别人的活儿)

His colleagues rapidly grew annoyed at having to carry him. 因为要替他干活儿,他的同事们很快变得气恼起来。

7  T  if a crime carries a particular punishment , that is the punishment people will receive for committing it (罪行)受(某种惩罚)

Murder carries a compulsory sentence of life imprisonment. 谋杀意味着必然要受到终身监禁。

8  T  if something carries a message or warning , it has it written on it 标有,附上(信息或警告)

Packets of cigarettes must carry a government health warning. 香烟盒上必须印有政府的健康警告。

9  T  usually passive if a motion (= a formal suggestion of policy) is carried, it is accepted officially because the majority of people have voted for it 投票通过(议案)
10  T  if walls or posts carry part of a building or structure , they support its weight 支撑;承载
11  T  if something carries a danger , it might cause something bad to happen 带有(危险等)

The treatment carries less risk than some medications. 这种治疗方法比某些药物治疗所带来的风险要小。

12  T  to make it possible for someone to achieve something 推动;支持

His determination to succeed carried him to the top of his profession. 他矢志成功的决心推动他达到了事业的顶峰。

13  T  to persuade a number of people to support your ideas 赢得…的支持;说服

She seemed to carry the whole audience with her. 她好像说服了所有的听众。

14  T  if you carry responsibility or blame for something , you accept it 承担(责任或责备)

The government must carry the blame for this terrible tragedy. 政府必须为这场可怕的悲剧承担责任。

15  T  if a shop carries goods or products, it has them for sale 出售

We are urging shops not to carry goods made with child labour. 我们要求商店不要出售童工生产的商品。

16  I  if a smell or sound carries, it can be smelt or heard over a distance (气味)散发得远;(声音)传得远

His voice doesn’ t carry very well. 他的声音不够响亮。

17  T  to do or develop something to a particular point or level 完成;发展

Can we trust him to carry the task to completion? 我们能指望他完成任务吗?

Carried to extremes, such behaviour can be self-destructive. 若任其发展下去,这样的行为会导致自我毁灭。

I know we all need to be careful with our money, but some people carry it too far! 我知道我们用钱必须精打细算,但有些人做得太过分了!

18  T  spoken   to add a number to the bottom of the next row of numbers on the left when adding rows of numbers 使进位
19  T  old-fashioned   if a woman is carrying a child , she is pregnant 怀(胎)
20  T  AMERICAN  to win an election in a particular state or district 在(某个州或地区)赢得选举

A Democrat has not carried Arizona since 1948. 从1948年起,民主党在亚利桑那州就没有赢过。

-   as fast as your legs can carry you
at the quickest speed that you can run

Her son hurtled down the drive as fast as his little legs could carry him. 她儿子在路上迈开小腿使劲跑。

-   be carrying five stone/a few pounds/a little bit etc
to weigh more than you should by a particular amount

He was in his mid-forties, I guessed, and carrying a bit of extra weight. 我猜他45岁左右,略胖。

-   carry all/everything before you
to be extremely successful and defeat all your opponents
-   carry the can BRITISH informal
to be the person considered responsible for something
-   carry conviction BRITISH
to be capable of persuading someone that something is true or real
-   carry the day
to be the winner in a competition , debate , argument , or fight
-   carry a (heavy) load/burden
to have responsibility for something difficult or unpleasant

He carries the heavy burden of leadership. 他承担着领导的重任。

-   carry sth in your head/mind
to remember information correctly without having to write it down
-   carry a torch for sb
to be in love with someone , usually when they do not realize this
-   carry a tune
to sing musical notes correctly
-   carry weight
to be respected and have influence

Dr Watson has worked in the region for 40 years, and his opinions carry great weight. 沃森博士在该地区工作了40年,所以他的意见很有分量。

-   carry yourself
to hold or move your body in a particular way

You’ re tall and you carry yourself extremely well. 你身材高挑,并且举止非常优雅。

-   get carried away
to become so excited or involved in something that you lose control of your feelings or behaviour

Let’ s not get carried away. The deal could still fall through. 我们别忘乎所以,交易仍然可能失败。

ˌcarry ˈforward
1 to take the total of a column of numbers from the bottom of one page to the top of the next 把(总数目)转入下页;结转
2 to take something such as money or holidays that are available for you to use in one period of time into the next one 把(钱、假期等)留到下次用
ˌcarry ˈoff
1 to deal successfully with something difficult 成功地应对(难事)

Both actors have the stylish self-confidence needed to carry off these roles. 两位演员都具有演好这些角色所需的优雅的自信。

2 to win a prize 获(奖)

At last week’ s Oscars, a small number of films carried off nearly all the prizes. 上周的奥斯卡颁奖大会上,少数几部电影几乎包揽了所有的奖项。

ˌcarry ˈon
1  I/T  carry on sth: to continue doing something (使)继续

Carry on. You’ re doing fine. 接着干,你做得不错。

He moved to London to carry on his work. 他搬到伦敦继续他的事业。

For the moment we’ ve been told to carry on as usual. 我们目前得到的指令是照常进行。

+with Just carry on with what you were doing. 接着做你们以前在做的就是了。

carry on doing sth If you carry on spending money like that, you’ ll end up in debt. 如果你继续那样花钱,你会债台高筑的。

1a  I  to continue going in the same direction (按同一方向)继续前进

Turn left at the traffic lights and carry on up the high street. 在红绿灯处左拐,沿大街一直往前走。

1b  T  to continue something that someone else started 继续(他人已开始的事)

Her daughter intends to carry on her mother’ s research. 女儿打算将她母亲的研究继续下去。

2  I  informal   to behave in an angry , excited , or emotional way 发怒;动感情

‘It’ s no good you carrying on, Mother,’ said Sally. ‘I’ m not going to marry him.’ “妈妈,你发火也没用,”萨莉说道,“我不打算嫁给他。”

3  I  usually progressive old-fashioned   if two people are carrying on , they are having a sexual relationship that you do not approve of 发生不正当性关系
ˌcarry ˈout
to do a particular piece of work , research etc 承担

The building work was carried out by a local contractor. 施工是由当地一家承包商承担的。

An investigation is being carried out by the prison governor. 监狱长在进行一项调查。

a to do something that you have said you will do or that you have been told to do 履行;执行

I expect my instructions to be carried out to the letter. 我希望我的指示得到严格执行。

ˌcarry ˈover
1  I/T  if something carries over or is carried over from one situation into another , it has the same effect in the new situation as it had in the old one (使)继续下去;(使)延伸

Stresses at work can often be carried over into your home life. 工作中的压力经常会被带到家庭生活中。

2  T  to take something that you earn or are given in one year or period of time into the next one 转结;累计

You are not allowed to carry over holiday entitlement from one year into the next. 你不可以把本年度的假期留到下一年。

ˌcarry ˈthrough
1 carry sth through: to complete something that was planned, often despite difficulties or opposition (常指不顾困难或反对)坚持到底,完成

It’ s a tough job, and we’ re relying on you to carry it through. 工作很难,我们指望你能坚持到底。

2 carry sb through (sth): to make it possible for someone to deal successfully with a difficult or unpleasant situation 帮…渡过(难关)

In the end, it was her passionate belief in justice that carried her through. 最后,是她对公正的热忱信念帮助她渡过了难关。





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