

单词 busy
busy 1 ★★★
1 having a lot of things to do 忙的;忙碌的

Parents of young children are always busy. 有幼儿的父母总是很忙碌。

He is an extremely busy man. 他是个特别忙的人。

+with Irina and Marcus were busy with preparations for their wedding. 伊琳娜和马库斯在忙着准备他们的婚礼。

1a doing something , especially with a lot of attention or effort 忙着做某事

We’ re all busy preparing for Christmas. 我们都在忙着准备过圣诞节。

I was so busy worrying about Julie that I didn’ t even think about Jake. 我忙着担心朱莉,甚至没有考虑杰克。

1b a busy time is when you have a lot of things to do (时间)繁忙的

It’ s been a very busy day. 这是非常忙碌的一天。

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us. 谢谢你从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间来和我们谈话。

2 full of people 满是人的

a busy waiting room 挤满了人的等候室

2a having a lot of traffic passing through 车辆多的;(交通)繁忙的

a busy main road 繁忙的主干道

Do not park your car near busy junctions. 别把车停在来往车辆多的交叉路口附近。

the busiest port in Europe 欧洲最繁忙的港口

2b having a lot of customers 顾客多的

Shops are always busier at weekends. 商店在周末总是会有更多的顾客。

3 if someone’ s telephone is busy , it is being used when you try to call (电话)占线的

All lines are busy – please call back later. 所有的线路都占线,请稍后再打电话来。

4 a busy design contains too much annoying detail (图案)过于琐碎的,繁杂的
-   get busy
1 to start doing something 开始做

There’ s a lot to do, so let’ s get busy. 有很多事情要做,所以我们开始吧。

2 AMERICAN  very informal   to have sex 发生性关系
-   keep sb busy
to have or give someone a lot of things to do or think about , often as a way of filling up time

We’ ve got enough work here to keep us busy for weeks. 我们这里有很多活儿,够我们忙上好几个星期。

You keep them busy while I call the police. 你稳住他们,我去报警。

I try to keep myself busy as much as possible. 我尽量让自己保持忙碌。

-   too busy doing sth
used for saying that someone is paying too much attention to something , with the result that they do not have time for someone or something else

I tried to tell you, but you were always too busy talking to listen. 我想告诉你,但是你总是忙着说而没空听我讲。

Being very busy at work is like being covered with things or surrounded by something such as water or the ground, so that you cannot move easily.
工作非常忙碌就像被东西盖着(covered with things)或被诸如水或地面等东西包围住(surrounded by),无法轻易移动。
They keep piling more work on me.他们不断地把更多的工作堆到我身上。
I’ m up to my eyes/ears/eyeballs/neck in work.我工作非常忙。
I’ m drowning in paperwork.我正忙着埋头做文书工作。
I have got a lot of work to wade through.我有很多工作需要处理。
I’ m snowed under with work.我工作忙得不可开交。
I don’ t have time to turn around.我忙得连转身的时间都没有。
We’ re absolutely swamped at the moment.我们现在事情多得难以招架。
We’ ve been inundated with phone calls.我们的电话多得像潮水一般。
They buried/immersed themselves in their work.他们埋头工作。
See also ->responsibility




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