/bʌk/ |
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1 | AMERICAN informal a dollar |
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2 | bucks plural AMERICAN informal money 钱 | More and more bucks are being spent to achieve exactly the same ends. 为了达到完全相同的目的,越来越多的钱正被花掉。 | | big bucks (=a lot of money) This guy makes serious money, I mean big bucks. 很多钱 | | 2a | to make money 挣钱 | | Everyone’ s trying to think of ways to make a few bucks. 人人都在想方设法地挣钱。 | | | 2b | to make money quickly and often dishonestly 快速赚钱;迅速敛财 | | These companies are just out to make a fast buck. 这些公司只是出来快速赚钱。 | | |
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3 | the male of some animals such as rabbits or deer 雄性动物(雄兔或雄鹿等) |
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4 | AMERICAN informal old-fashioned a young man 小伙子;年轻男子 |
- | the buck stops here/with sb |
| used for saying who should accept the responsibility for something |
| 责任止于此/责任由某人来负 |
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| The buck stops with the players, not with the manager or anybody else. 责任由运动员来负,而不是由经理或其他任何人来承担。 |
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- | pass the buck |
| to make someone else deal with something that you should take responsibility for |
| 推卸责任;推诿责任 |
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| He accused ministers of trying to pass the buck on education. 他指责部长们试图推卸教育上的责任。 |
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| Word story: buck | | | | Harry Truman, who was US president just after the Second World War, is reported to have had the expression ‘the buck stops here’ as a sign on his desk, suggesting that he would not try to ‘pass the buck’ . | | | |