

单词 a
a 2 ★★★
weak /ə/
strong /eɪ/
or an
weak /ən/
strong /æn/
  A or an is used as an indefinite article , usually followed by a singular countable noun.
  A is used when the next word begins with a consonant.
  An is used when the next word begins with a vowel sound.
  When a word begins with the letter ‘u’ that is pronounced /ju:/, the word is treated as starting with a consonant.单词如以字母u 开头且发音是/ju/, 按辅音开头处理: a university 一所大学。
  When a word begins with a silent ‘h’ , it is treated as starting with a vowel单词如以不发音的字母h 开头,按元音开头处理: an hour 一个小时。
  The names of the letters f, h, l, m, n, r, s, and x begin with vowel sounds, so abbreviations that begin with one of these letters are treated as starting with a vowel.字母f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x 以元音发音开头,因此以这些字母开头的缩略语按元音开头处理: an MP 一位议员 an HGV 一辆大型运货卡车。
1 used when you are mentioning a person or a thing for the first time , or when the person listening to you does not already know about them 一(个)(用于第一次提到的人或事物,或听者不知道的人或事物时)

I have an idea. 我有一个想法。

There’ s a concert on Sunday night. 周日晚上有一场音乐会。

2 used when you mean any person or thing of a particular type , but you are not referring to one specifically (泛指特定类别中的)任何一(个)

You need a dictionary. 你需要一本词典。

I haven’ t got an umbrella. 我没带伞。

Children must be accompanied by an adult. 儿童必须有成人陪伴。

3 used when you say what class , type , or group someone or something belongs to , or what job someone has (用于指某人或某事物所属的阶层、类别、群体或某人的工种时)一(个)

Ruth’ s father was a lawyer. 露丝的父亲是律师。

He’ s a liar and a cheat. 他既是个说谎者又是个骗子。

Greece has been a republic since 1973. 希腊自1973年以来一直是共和国。

4 used before a singular noun that represents every person or thing of a particular type (同类别中的)每一(个)

A dog needs regular exercise. 狗都需要定期遛一遛。

A molecule consists of two or more atoms. 每个分子由两个或多个原子组成。

5 used when you are referring to a person or thing as one of several (多个中的)一(个)

I want you to meet a friend of mine. 我想让你见见我的一个朋友。

He’ s a member of the team. 他是球队中的一员。

6 used in expressions of quantity such as ‘a lot’ , ‘a few’ , or ‘a great deal’ (用于表示数量的词组如a lot, a few, a great deal 中)

a lot of money 许多钱

a bit of luck 一点运气

We all appreciate a little encouragement. 对于鼓励我们都很感激。

7 used in numbers and measurements to mean ‘one’ , as in ‘a thousand’ or ‘an hour’ 一(用于数字和度量词中)

a million dollars 100万美元

a hundred years ago 100年前

a minute or two 一两分钟

8 used in phrases showing how much something costs, how often it happens, how fast it goes etc 一,每(用于表示某事物的花费、频率、速度等的短语中)

Meetings are held four times a year (=four times every year) . 会议每年举行4次。

tomatoes at £1.20 a kilo (=each kilo costs £1.20) 每公斤1.2英镑的西红柿

The car was travelling at 90 miles an hour. 那辆轿车在以每小时90英里的速度行驶。

9 used before a noun that means a substance , product , food etc when referring to a particular type of it 一种(用于表示物质、产品、食物等的名词前)

Brie is a soft creamy cheese. 布里干酪是一种软而滑的奶酪。

Plants won’ t grow in a soil that contains too much lime. 植物在石灰含量太高的土壤中不能生长。

10 used before the name of some drinks to mean a cup or glass of that drink (用于表示饮料的名词前)一杯

I’ ll just have a beer, thanks. 我就要一杯啤酒,谢谢。

Have you got time for a coffee? 你有空喝杯咖啡吗?

11 used before a noun that means a particular quality or feeling when the quality or feeling is described in some way (用于表示某种品质或情感的名词前)

Sales staff must have a good working knowledge of French. 销售人员必须相当熟练地掌握足以应付工作的法语知识。

They fought back with a fierce determination that surprised the invaders. 他们以坚定的决心进行反击,让入侵者措手不及。

12 used before a noun that is formed from a verb and means a single action of that verb (用于源于动词并表示该动作的名词前)一下,一次

Can I have a try? 我能试一下吗?

Let’ s take a walk round the garden. 我们绕花园走一走吧。

13 used before a noun that expresses your feelings about a situation (用于表示对某种情况之感受的名词前)

It’ s a relief to know they’ re safe. 知道他们平安无事让人松了一口气。

What a shame he couldn’ t be there to receive the prize! 可惜的是他不能去那儿领奖!

14 used before the name of a particular day , season , or holiday to mean one particular Tuesday, summer , Christmas etc (用于表示某天、某季节、某假日的名词前)某个

It was a bitterly cold winter. 那是个严寒刺骨的冬天。

She was born at six o’ clock on a Sunday morning. 她是在一个星期天的早上6点出生的。

15 used before a person’ s name when you do not know anything about them (用于不认识的人名前)某个

There’ s a Mr Alex Murray asking to see you. 一位名叫亚历克斯·默里的先生要见您。

15a used before the name of a famous artist to mean a picture by that artist (用于著名艺术家的名字前)一件…的作品

The gallery has recently acquired a Picasso. 美术馆最近得到了一幅毕加索的画。

15b used before a family name to mean a member of that family (用于姓之前)…家族中的一员

Remember you’ re an Osborne – it’ s a name to be proud of. 记住你是奥斯本家族的一员——这是个值得骄傲的姓氏。

15c used before the name of a famous person to mean someone else with similar abilities, a similar appearance , or a similar character (用于名人姓名之前)类似…的一个

Already he is being hailed as a young Albert Einstein. 他已经被誉为小阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦了。





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