

单词 zero
zero 1 ★★
1  C/U  the number 0 (数字)零

If x is zero, y must be 3. 如果x为0,y肯定是3。

‘He earns about £100 a day.’ ‘Add a couple of zeroes to that!’ “他一天大约能赚100英镑。”“得再加两个0!”

1a  U  a value equal to zero on a scale (刻度上的)零点

Set the meter at zero. 把计量表调到零。

1b  U  the temperature on the Celsius scale at which water freezes (摄氏温标上的)零度(即水结冰时的温度)

above/below zero The temperature was forty below zero. 温度是零下40摄氏度。

1c used for showing that there is no amount at all of something 没有的;零的

We’ re likely to see zero growth in the market this year. 今年的市场可能是零增长。

astronauts in zero gravity 无重力状态下的宇航员

2  U  informal   nothing at all 根本没有;全无

Our chances of success are zero. 我们成功的可能性等于零。

3  C  informal   an insulting word for someone who has no qualities that impress you (侮辱性用语)无足轻重的人




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