/breɪs/ |
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1 | I/T to get ready for something unpleasant (使)作好准备 | brace yourself for sth I braced myself for the results of my blood test. 我作好准备接受我验血的结果。 | | brace yourself to do sth Smith braced himself to deliver the bad news. 史密斯作好发布坏消息的准备。 | | be braced for sth Financial markets are braced for another turbulent week. 金融市场准备好应付又一个动荡的一周。 | | +for The city is bracing itself for the hurricane. 这个城市在作好防范飓风的准备。 | |
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2 | T to push your body , or a part of it , against something solid and strong in order to support yourself or to avoid falling (身体或身体部位)支住,撑牢(以免摔倒) | She braced herself against the wall. 她靠墙而立。 | | brace yourself/sth against sth He braced his foot against the door so she couldn’ t open it. 他用脚顶着门,使她开不了门。 | |
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3 | I/T to make your body , or a part of it , stiff and strong in order to do something that needs a lot of physical effort (身体或身体某部分)绷紧 | He faced the angry crowd, his arms folded, his legs braced. 他叉着手,双腿绷紧,面对愤怒的人群。 | | +for The passengers were told how to brace for the crash. 乘客们被告知如何应付撞车事故。 | |
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4 | T to support an object with a piece of wood , metal etc so that it does not fall down (用木头、金属等)支撑,加固 |