

单词 write
write ★★★
1  I/T  to use a pen to make words, numbers, or symbols 写;书写

Emily is just learning to write. 埃米莉刚刚开始学写字。

Each person writes their own name. 每个人都要写下自己的名字。

1a to put words on paper or some other surface (在纸上或其他表面上)书写

write sth on sth There were names written on the walls. 墙上写着一些名字。

write sth in sth He was writing something in a notebook. 他正在笔记本上写着什么。

2  I/T  to create something such as a story or song by putting words together 编写;写作

He ought to have enough stories to write a book. 他应该有足够的故事写一本书了。

+about He travelled around Mexico and wrote about his experiences. 他去墨西哥旅游过,并写下了他的经历。

2a  I  to create things such as books as a job or for pleasure (作为职业或娱乐)写作,创作

+for She writes for a number of American fashion magazines. 她为美国许多时尚杂志撰稿。

2b  I/T  to use words to create a letter or other message 写(信)

write sth to sb She’ d written a letter to the newspaper to complain. 她已经给报纸写信投诉了。

write sb sth I sat down and wrote them an apology. 我坐下来,给他们写了一封道歉信。

write saying/asking etc sth She wrote asking what the place was like. 她写信来问那个地方怎么样。

write to say/express etc sth We are writing to express our concern regarding your report. 我们写信表达我们对你报告的关注。

3  T  to create a formal document by writing 填写,起草(正式文件)

I’ ll write you a cheque for the full amount. 我会给你开一张足额的支票。

4  T  to create a computer program 编写(计算机程序)

This program was written by students at Stanford University. 这个程序是由斯坦福大学的学生编写的。

5  T  to spell a word 拼写

Americans write ‘colour’ without a ‘u’ . 美国人拼写colour 时不带 u。

6  I  a pen that does not write does not work (钢笔)出水,能写字

My pen won’ t write. Can I borrow yours? 我的钢笔不出水了,借一下你的行吗?

-   have sth written all over your face
used for saying that the expression on your face shows what you are feeling or thinking

Disappointment was written all over her face. 她脸上明显流露出失望的神情。

-   nothing/not anything to write home about
not very good

The acting was very good but the music was nothing to write home about. 表演非常精彩,但音乐不怎么样。

ˌwrite aˈway
write off 3

We wrote away for a brochure. 我们写信去索取一本小册子。

ˌwrite ˈback
to send a reply to someone who has sent you a letter 回(信);回(函)

We wrote back saying we would be delighted to come. 我们回信说我们很高兴来。

ˌwrite ˈdown
to write something on a piece of paper 写下;记下

Write down seven words that describe how you feel. 写下能描述你感觉的7个词。

ˌwrite ˈin
1  I  to write to an organization , for example because you want information about something (给某组织)去信索取

Iwrote in to the programme to ask for more details. 我给这个节目去信询问更详细的情况。

2  T  to add words or numbers that are missing from something 把(词或数字)插写进去;写入

Write in the letter that is missing from each word. 填写出每个单词中空缺的字母。

ˌwrite ˈinto
write sth into sth: to include a particular feature in an official document such as a contract 将…写入(正式文件);把…写入(合同)

The right to withdraw is written into the agreement. 退出的权利被写入了协议。

ˌwrite ˈoff
1  T  to say officially that someone does not have to pay an amount of money 勾销(债款)

The US government agreed to write off debts of $170 billion. 美国政府同意勾销1,700亿美元的债款。

1a to accept that you will not receive money you hoped someone would give back 同意不必还债

The £500 they have spent will have to be written off. 他们花掉的500英镑将只得勾销,不必还了。

2  T  to decide that someone or something will not succeed and stop giving them your attention and energy 放弃

He felt hopeless; his teachers had written him off. 他感到毫无希望,他的老师们已放弃了他。

3 write off  I  to write to an organization asking for something 写信询问

+for Why don’ t you write off for more details? 你为什么不写信去询问更详细的情况呢?

4  T  BRITISH  to damage a vehicle so badly that it is not worth repairing 毁掉(车辆)
5  T  to reduce the value of something that you or your business owns to avoid paying too much tax on it (为少缴税而)降低…的账面价值

After five years you can write the equipment off for tax. 5年后你可以少报这些设备的价值来减少纳税额。

ˌwrite ˈout
1 to complete an official document by writing information on it 写出(正式文件)

It only takes a minute to write out a prescription. 开个处方只需1分钟的时间。

2 to write something again , usually in a more complete form (再次)全部写出

Could you write out exactly what you need me to do? 你能准确地写出你需要我做的事吗?

3 to remove a character from a television or radio series by writing stories that do not include them (从电视或广播系列剧剧本中)取消(某一角色)

Ratings fell when the star was written out of the show. 那个明星的角色被从这部电视剧中取消后,其收视率下降了。

ˌwrite ˈup
1 to write a report , article etc using notes that you wrote earlier (利用已有的笔记)写出报道,把…写成文章
2 AMERICAN  to report officially that someone has done something wrong 正式告发




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