

单词 wonder
wonder 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to think about something because you want to know more facts or details about it 想知道;疑惑;感到好奇

‘How did they find out?’ she wondered. “他们是怎么发现的?”她心里纳闷。

+how/what/when etc I wonder what we can do to help Sujata. 我想知道我们怎样做才能帮助苏亚塔。

+if/whether I wonder if they’ ll get married. 我想知道他们是否会结婚。

+about I was wondering about the best place for a holiday. 我正在考虑最佳的度假地。

1a to think about someone or something because you have doubts or are worried about them (对…)感到疑惑;(对…)感到不安

+about I wonder about him sometimes, I really do. 我有时为他感到担忧,真的是这样。

+whether/if/how etc I wonder whether it was wise to let her travel alone. 我怀疑让她独自去旅行是否明智。

2  I  to admire someone or something and feel surprised by how beautiful or unusual they are 对…感到惊讶

+at It’ s hard not to wonder at the miracle of a newborn baby. 很难不对新生儿这个奇迹感到惊讶。

-   Idon’ t wonder (that) BRITISH spoken
used for saying that you are not surprised by something

Idon’ t wonder you were scared – his driving is terrible! 你被吓坏了,这不足为怪,他的开车技术很糟糕!

-   Ishouldn’ t wonder (if) BRITISH spoken
used for saying that you think something is likely to be true

She’ ll have got herself another job, I shouldn’ t wonder. 她会再找到一份工作的,我对此不会感到惊讶。

-   Iwonder if/whether spoken
a polite way of asking someone for something such as information or their opinion , or asking them to do something

Iwas wondering whether you would like to come to the theatre with me? 不知你能否和我一起去看戏?

Iwonder if you would do me a favour? 不知你能否帮我个忙?





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