

单词 wisdom
wisdom ★★
NOUN  U   
1 the ability to make good decisions based on knowledge and experience 智慧;明智

The Egyptian leader was praised for his courage, wisdom, and flexibility. 埃及领导人因其勇敢、智慧和灵活性而倍受称赞。

2 knowledge that you have gained over a long period 学问;知识

the fount of all wisdom (=someone who knows everything) You can’ t argue with a child who thinks their teacher is the fount of all wisdom. 无所不知的人

-   conventional/received/traditional wisdom
what most people believe to be true

The conventional wisdom is that governments should lead rather than simply reflect public opinion. 一般常见的看法是政府应当引导而不只是反映公众舆论。

-   in his/her/their wisdom humorous
used for emphasizing that you do not understand why someone has done something and you think it seems silly

The last government, in its infinite wisdom, decided not to introduce the measure. 上一届政府,以其无尽的智慧,决定不采用这项措施。

-   pearls/words of wisdom
very wise remarksThis expression is often used for saying that a remark is very silly

The media assembled to catch the minister’ s pearls of political wisdom. 新闻媒体聚在一起领会部长的政治至理名言。

-   the wisdom of (doing) sth
how sensible something is

People are already questioning the wisdom of the move. 人们已经在怀疑该行动是否明智。

He disagreed with the minister on the wisdom of raising taxes. 他与部长在提高税收是否明智一事上存在分歧。





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