

单词 wild
wild 1 ★★★
1 a wild animal or plant lives or grows on its own in natural conditions and is not raised by humans (动物或植物)野的,野生的,未驯化的,非栽培的

The wild rose is a familiar sight in woods and hedges. 野蔷薇在树林和树篱中很常见。

This trait is common to both domestic and wild dogs. 这种特征在家狗和野狗身上都有。

2 a wild area is one where people do not live or cannot live 荒凉的;荒无人烟的

wild mountainous regions 荒无人烟的山区

3 if the weather or the sea is wild , there is a storm with strong winds 暴风雨的;狂暴的

awet and wild night 暴风雨之夜

4 expressing or feeling strong emotions 感情强烈的;狂热的;疯狂的

Hernandez entered the boxing ring to wild cheers. 赫尔南德斯登上拳击台时得到了人们狂热的欢呼。

+with The noise drove him wild with terror. 噪声使他感到恐惧万分。

go wild When Pascal scored, the fans went wild. 帕斯卡尔得分时,球迷们欣喜若狂。

4a exciting and enjoyable 令人激动的;极棒的

his wild student days 他那令人激动的学生时代

They have some pretty wild parties. 他们办了一些极棒的聚会。

4b very enthusiastic 满腔热情的;十分热衷的

+about He’ s really wild about bluegrass music. 他极其热衷于蓝草音乐。

I’ m not wild about the idea. 我对这个想法并无多大兴趣。

5 not accurate or not considered carefully 不准确的;轻率的;未经认真考虑的

wild accusations/claims 胡乱的指责/轻率的断言

They make all sorts of wild promises, but nobody believes them. 他们轻率地许下了许多诺言,但没人相信他们。

awild guess I don’ t know, I’ ll have to make a wild guess. 我不知道,我只好胡乱猜一下。

5a not accurately aimed 未瞄准的

awild throw/shot/pitch 乱扔/乱射/乱投

-   not be wild about sth
used for saying that someone does not like something or does not want to do something

I’ m not wild about the idea. 我对这个想法并无多大兴趣。

-   wild horses couldn’ t... spoken
used for saying that you are very determined to do something or not do something

Wild horses couldn’ t drag her away until she’ d got an answer. 她得不到答复,是决不会离开的。

-   your wildest dreams
your thoughts about the best or worst thing that could happen

This advertisement promises to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. 这一广告许诺说能让人富得超乎想象。

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’ d end up here. 我从未想到过我会来到这里。

wildness  noun   U 




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