

单词 whistle
whistle 1
NOUN  C   
1 a small metal or plastic object that you put in your mouth and blow to make a high sound 哨子

blow a whistle The referee blew the whistle for half-time. 裁判吹响了上半场比赛结束的哨子。

awhistle goes/sounds The whistle went for half-time. 上半场比赛结束的哨子吹响了。

1a a piece of equipment that produces a high sound , used as a warning or signal on a train or boat , or in a place such as a factory (火车、船或工厂等地的)汽笛,警笛

awhistle blows The whistle blew as the train prepared to leave. 火车要出发时汽笛鸣响。

1b a musical instrument consisting of a small metal tube that you blow 小竖笛
2 the sound someone makes when they force air through their lips 口哨声

Loud cheers and whistles greeted the team. 热烈的欢呼声和口哨声迎接球队的到来。

give/let out a whistle Darren gave a low whistle. 达伦轻轻地吹了一声口哨。

2a a sound made as a signal or warning , especially on a boat or train , or in a place such as a factory (尤指船、火车或工厂等地的)汽笛声,警笛声

the ship’ s shrill whistle 轮船刺耳的汽笛声

2b the sound that you make by blowing through a whistle 哨声

Play stopped when we heard the whistle. 我们听到哨声时,比赛结束了。

the final whistle (=used for showing a game or competition has finished) He scored again just seconds before the final whistle. 终场哨

2c the high sound that some birds make (鸟的)啭鸣声

the skylark’ s piercing whistle 云雀尖厉的啭鸣

-   as clean as a whistle informal
1 completely honest or legal 清清白白的
2 extremely clean 干干净净的
-   blow the whistle (on sb) informal
to tell someone in authority that someone is doing something dishonest or illegal
-   wet your whistle informal
to have a drink , especially of alcohol




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