

单词 whisper
whisper 1 ★★
1  I/T  to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear you 低声说出;低语;耳语

Stop whispering, you two! 你们俩别交头接耳了!

‘When can I see you again?’ he whispered softly. “我什么时候能再见到你?”他低声问道。

‘Over here!’ she whispered urgently. “在这儿呢!”她急切地低声喊道。

whisper (sth) to sb Dad whispered a warning to us to keep quiet. 爸爸低声警告我们要保持安静。

whisper (sth) in sb’ s ear ‘That’ s Tim,’ she whispered in my ear. “那个人是蒂姆,”她对我耳语道。

2  I/T  to tell other people a piece of news or information that may or may not be true 私下传说

Senior managers have been whispering about more job losses. 高级经理们一直在私下谈论着还要裁员。

+that Some people have whispered that he offered her a job in return for her silence. 有人传说他给了她一份工作封她的口。

3  I  literary   to make a quiet gentle sound 发沙沙声;发飒飒声




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