

单词 wherever
wherever ★★
  Wherever can be used in the following ways:
wherever 有以下用法
  as a conjunction (connecting two clauses)用作连词(连接两个分句): She was followed by press photographers wherever she went. 无论她走到哪儿,都有新闻摄影师跟随。
  as an adverb 用作副词: Go ahead and sit wherever. 来吧,随便坐。( (introducing a question)引导疑问句: Wherever did you get that extraordinary hat? 你究竟从哪儿弄到那顶奇特的帽子的?
1 everywhere or anywhere where someone does something or where a particular situation exists 无论在哪里;无论什么情况下

Wherever he went, he took his dog with him. 他无论走到哪儿都要带着他的狗。

Garlic is a plant that grows wherever there is a warm climate. 大蒜是一种能在任何气候温暖的地方生长的植物。

1a in any place that you choose 无论什么地方

You can sit wherever you like. 你爱坐哪儿就坐哪儿。

or wherever (=or any other place you choose) I’ d be happy to meet you at the station, or wherever. 或者其他任何地方

1b in any situation where something is possible or necessary 只要有可能/有必要

We aim to reduce prices wherever possible. 只要有可能我们就打算降价。

2 used for emphasizing ‘where’ in a question to show that you are surprised , interested , upset , or annoyed 究竟在哪儿(用于在疑问句中进行强调,表示吃惊、感兴趣、烦恼或生气)

I’ ve been looking all over the place for that letter. Wherever did you find it? 我一直到处找那封信。你究竟在哪儿找到的?

3 used for showing that you do not know where something is 不知在哪里;不知在什么地方

He said he was phoning from Landsford Park, wherever that is. 他说他是从兰斯福德公园打来的电话,不知道那地方在哪儿。

4 spoken   used for saying that you do not care where something happens, because all the places are equally good 随便什么地方;无所谓

‘Do you want to eat in the kitchen or in the dining room?’ ‘Wherever. It really doesn’ t matter to me.’ “你想在厨房吃饭还是在餐厅吃饭?”“哪儿都行。我真的无所谓。”





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