/wel/ |
| |
1 | in a skilful or effective way 熟练地;有效地 |
| She speaks Japanese well. 她日语说得很好。 |
| very/rather/fairly/quite well He plays the piano very well for someone of his age. 就他这个年龄来说,他的钢琴弹得很好。 |
| 1a | in a way that is satisfactory 令人满意地 | | The boys were not behaving very well. 男孩子们表现得不够好。 | | pretty well (=fairly well) I can see pretty well without my glasses. 相当好 | |
| 1b | in a complete or thorough way 完全地;彻底地;充分地 | | Shake the can well before opening. 打开罐头之前先充分地摇一摇。 | | Idon’ t know these people very well. 我对这些人不特别了解。 | |
| |
2 | very or very muchused for emphasizing what you are saying 很,非常(用于强调所说的话) |
| well aware Rostov was well aware of the scandal he was creating. 罗斯托夫非常清楚自己正在制造的丑闻。 |
| well worth A trip to the new museum is well worth the effort. 新博物馆非常值得去参观。 |
| 2a | used for emphasizing that a period of time or a distance is long 远远地,早早地(用于强调时间或距离之长) | | well after/before Pete left the party well before you got there. 早在你到达那里之前皮特就离开了聚会。 | | well ahead/behind Paula finished the race well ahead of the other runners. 葆拉远远领先于其他选手跑完了比赛。 | |
- | as well |
| in addition to something or someone else |
| 又;还;也 |
| |
| I’ d like a cup of coffee, and a glass of water as well. 我想要一杯咖啡,还有一杯水。 |
| +as I need to go to the bookshop as well as the bank. 我需要去银行,还要去书店。 |
| |
- | be doing well |
| to be getting better after an illness |
| (病后)康复 |
| |
| He seems to be doing well after his operation. 手术后他似乎正在康复。 |
| |
- | be doing well for yourself |
| to be successful in life |
| 成功;发达 |
| |
| Judging by their address, they were doing very well for themselves. 从他们的讲话中可以看出他们事业有成。 |
| |
- | cannot/can’ t very well |
| used for saying that it would not be wise or sensible to do something |
| 不明智地;不通情达理地 |
| |
| We can’ t very well tell them now. 我们现在就告诉他们是不明智的。 |
| |
- | do well by sb |
| to treat someone in a fair or generous way |
| 公正对待某人;宽容对待某人 |
| |
| The president called on companies to do well by their employees. 董事长要求各公司对待员工要公正。 |
| |
- | know full/perfectly well |
| to know something while pretending not to |
| 明明知道(但假装不知道) |
| |
| You know full well what I am talking about. 你明明知道我在讲什么。 |
| |
- | may/might (just) as well do sth informal |
| used for saying that it might be a good idea to do something although it is not essential |
| 做某事倒也无妨 |
| |
| We might as well wait a little longer for them. 咱们不妨再等他们一会儿。 |
| |
- | mean well |
| if someone means well , they intend to be kind and helpful but often upset people without wanting to |
| 怀有善意(但常帮倒忙) |
| |
| Iknow he means well, but he’ s just making things worse. 我知道他的用意是好的,但是他却把事情越搞越砸了。 |
| |
- | speak well of |
| to praise someone or something |
| 赞扬;表扬 |
| |
| Mr Carter speaks very well of you. 卡特先生对你评价很高。 |
| |
- | well done |
| used for giving someone praise when they do something well |
| 做得好;真棒 |
| |
| Well done, Julia! 干得好!朱莉娅! |
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| LEFENTRY: well | | | | Well is used for making many compound adjectives formed from two or more words. In this dictionary, these adjectives appear with a hyphen and this is how you will normally see them when they are used before a nounwell 用来构成复合形容词(由两个或两个以上单词构成)。在本词典中,这些形容词中间有个连字符,这是它们用于名词前时通常出现的样子: a well-known actor 著名的演员。When these compound adjectives are used after a noun, however, they are usually written without a hyphen然而,这类复合形容词用在名词后时通常不加连字符: She is well known for her work in TV. 她在电视行业的成就使她闻名遐迩。 | | |