

单词 watch
watch 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to look at someone or something for a period of time 注视;观察;看

Have you been watching the election campaign? 你一直在观看竞选活动吗?

Tourists watched quietly as the villagers performed a traditional dance. 游客们静静地观看村民表演传统舞蹈。

watch sb/sth do sth Jill watched the children build sandcastles. 吉尔看着孩子们堆沙堡。

From the hill you can watch the planes take off. 从山顶你可以看到飞机起飞。

watch sb/sth doing sth We arrived early to watch the players warming up. 我们早早到达看运动员热身。

+how/who/what etc Watch how well she handles the ball. 看她是如何熟练地控制球的。

watch with interest/amusement/fascination etc A vicious-looking dog was watching us with interest. 一条看起来很凶的狗正饶有兴致地看着我们。

1a  T  to look at something such as a television programme or sports event , usually from the beginning to the end 通常指自始至终地观看(电视节目、体育比赛等)

Our kids only watch videos at weekends. 我们的孩子们仅在周末看录像。

Did you watch the news last night? 你昨晚看新闻了吗?

Millions watched the match on television. 数百万人通过电视观看了这场比赛。

1b  T  to secretly look at someone or something for a period of time , especially because you want to get information or do something illegal 监视

Ithink our house is being watched. 我认为我们的房子正被人监视。

1c  T  used for telling someone to look at you while you do something 注意;留神观察

Watch what I can do. 注意看我会怎么做。

Watch me! 注意看我!

2  T  to be careful of something 小心;当心;留意

Watch the knife! It’ s sharp! 小心那把刀!它可锋利呢!

+how/who/what etc You should watch what you say about my friends. 你说到我的朋友时应该注意点。

+(that) Watch you don’ t spend too much money. 注意不要花太多的钱。

3  T  to take care of a child , an animal , or someone’ s property for a short time and make sure that nothing harms it 照看;守护;看护

Can you please watch my bag while I make a phone call? 我去打个电话,请你帮我看一下包好吗?

Could you just watch the baby for a minute? 你能照看一会儿这个婴儿吗?

-   just/you watch spoken
used for emphasizing that you know what will happen in a particular situation

He’ ll be out of money in no time, just watch. 他马上就会没钱的,等着瞧吧。

-   watch your back
to make sure that no one does anything to harm or trick you
-   watch the clock
to keep looking at the time on a clock or watch because you are bored or you want something to end
-   watch it spoken
1 used for telling someone to be careful 当心;小心;注意
2 used for threatening someone 小心点(用于威胁某人)
-   watch sb like a hawk
to watch someone very carefully, especially in order to make sure that they do not do something bad
-   watch your mouth spoken
used for telling someone in an angry or rude way that they should not have said something
-   watch your step
1 spoken   used for telling someone to be careful where they walk 走路小心
2 informal   used for saying that someone should be careful because they could get into trouble or make someone angry 当心;小心;留神
-   watch this space
used for telling someone that the situation is still developing and that you will provide more information soon

Watch this space for news updates. 敬请关注最新消息。

-   watch the time
to make sure that you know what time it is so you are not late for something
-   watch your weight
to be careful about what you eat so that you do not get fat
-   watch what you’ re doing spoken
used for telling someone to be more careful because they nearly caused an accident
-   watch the world go by
to sit or stand somewhere and enjoy watching other people as they pass
-   watch yourself
1 to be careful not to do something offensive or harmful 谨慎行事;自我克制

Ihave to really watch myself around my boss. 我得在老板面前谨慎行事。

2 spoken   used for telling someone to be careful so that they do not get hurt 当心;留神
  Words frequently used with watch
  watch 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   anxiously, avidly, carefully, closely, helplessly, idly, incredulously, intently, nervously, quietly, silently,
ˈwatch for or ˌwatch ˈout for 
watch for sth/sb: to pay attention so that you will see something when it arrives or happens 留意;期待;等候

Watch for Ryan. He’ s here somewhere. 要留意瑞安,他就在这附近某个地方。

We watched for dolphins jumping on the horizon. 我们等着海豚在天水交接处跃出海面。

ˌwatch ˈout
to be careful 小心;注意

Watch out, those mushrooms could be poisonous! 小心!那些蘑菇可能有毒!

You could have a nasty accident if you don’ t watch out. 你如果不小心的话,可能会发生严重事故。

ˌwatch ˈout for
1 watch out for sth/sb: to be careful of something or someone 密切注意;提防

Watch out for snakes! 小心蛇!

We will be discussing street crime and what you should watch out for. 我们将讨论街头犯罪以及你们应该提防的事项。

2 watch out for sth/sb: watch for

Watch out for big discounts and clearance sales at this time of the year. 留意每年这时候的大减价和清仓大甩卖。

3 watch out for sb: to make sure that nothing bad happens to someone 照看,看护(某人)

People in my family have always watched out for one another. 我们家的人一直以来都是相互照看。

ˌwatch ˈover
watch over sb/sth: to guard , protect , or be in charge of someone or something 守护;保护;看管

Soldiers arrived to watch over the city and maintain peace. 士兵们赶来守护这座城市并维持治安。





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