

单词 warn
warn ★★★
VERB  I   
1 to make someone conscious of a possible problem or danger so they will not be hurt 警告;告诫;提醒

Police are warning all women in the area to be on their guard. 警方正在告诫这一地区的所有妇女要小心提防。

+against Recent studies warn against drinking too much caffeine. 最近的研究告诫人们不要饮用过多的咖啡因。

warn sb about sth Travel agents are not warning tourists about the dangers of crime in holiday resorts. 旅行代理人没有提醒游客假日旅游地存在危险的犯罪活动。

+of Scientists warned of the threat to beaches and rivers from pollution. 科学家们对污染会给海滩和河流带来的威胁提出了警告。

+that The report warns that consumers could end up paying higher prices. 这份报告提醒消费者,他们可能最终要支付更高的价钱。

2 to tell someone that they will be punished or something bad will happen if they do something 发出警告;预先通知

Iwarned you not to go to that party last night. 我告诫过你不要参加昨天晚上那个聚会。

ˌwarn ˈoff
to tell someone they must stop doing something and that if they do not something bad will happen to them 警告某人不要(做某事)

Sam was warned off making trouble. 萨姆被告诫不要捣乱。

Ways of warning someone
Be careful 小心 the most usual and general way of warning someone(最常用和最普通的一种告诫某人的说法)
Beware 谨防 a formal or literary way of warning people, often used on written signs(一种正式或书面的告诫某人的说法,常用于书面的警告标志上)
Take care 保重 a way of warning someone that is often used before someone leaves to go somewhere(在某人动身去某地之前经常使用的一种告诫某人的说法)
Mind 注意 a way of warning someone that there is something dangerous nearby(一种告诫某人附近有危险的说法)
Watch out/Look out 当心 a way of warning someone when they are in immediate danger(一种告诫某人马上将遇到危险的说法)
Be careful with that teapot – it’ s fragile.小心拿那个茶壶,它容易破碎。
Beware of the dog.
Take care on your way home.
Mind your head on that lamp!当心你的头别碰到灯! Mind you don’ t spill coffee on the carpet!
Look out! It’ s going to fall!




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