

单词 voice
voice 1 ★★★
1  C/U  the sounds someone makes when they speak 说话声;嗓音

A female voice answered the phone. 接电话的是个女子的声音。

We could hear voices in the next apartment. 我们可以听到隔壁公寓里的说话声。

He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. 他力图不使自己的声音流露出愤怒。

a man with a deep/soft/loud voice 声音低沉/柔和/很大的男士

in a ... voice The woman at the desk greeted him in a bored voice. 那张桌子旁边的女人用厌倦的声音跟他打招呼。

raise your voice (=speak louder, especially because you are angry) The children were very well-behaved, and I never had to raise my voice. (尤指因愤怒而)提高嗓门说话

at the top of your voice (=as loudly as possible) She started screaming at the top of her voice. 尽可能高声地

tone of voice (=the aspect of your voice that shows how you feel) I knew from his tone of voice that he was extremely annoyed. 语气;口吻

in sb’ s voice (=when someone’ s attitude or feelings are shown in the way they speak) Phillips called back later, and this time there was real irritation in his voice. 在某人的语气里

1a  U  someone’ s ability to speak 说话能力

lose your voice I have a cold – I think I’ m losing my voice. 我感冒了,我觉得嗓子都快要发不出声了。

1b  C/U  someone’ s ability to sing 唱歌才能

My father had a fine bass voice. 我父亲唱男低音很棒。

be in good/fine voice (=be singing well) You’ re in good voice tonight! 唱得很好的

1c  C  one of the singers in a piece of classical music (古典音乐中的)歌唱家

an arrangement for piano and four voices 改编成钢琴伴奏四重唱的歌曲

1d used for telling someone to be quiet 不要说话;安静些

Could you keep your voices down? I’ m trying to read. 你能安静些吗?我想要看书。

2  singular  the right or opportunity to express your opinions and influence what happens 发言权;发言的机会

The apartheid system left the majority of the population without a political voice. 种族隔离制度让大多数人没有政治发言权。

have a voice (in sth) Parents should have a voice in any changes to the school curriculum. 家长对学校总课程的任何变化应该有发言权。

give voice to sth (=express something publicly) Her article gave voice to the anger felt by many local people. 公开表达某事

2a  C  the opinion of a person or group 观点;看法

+of The voice of ordinary party members was rarely listened to. 普通党员的意见很少得到倾听。

make your voice heard (=make sure that your opinion is known to others) Anti-capitalist groups used street protests as a way of making their voices heard. 使他人听到自己的意见

2b used for saying that all the members of a group have the same opinion 观点一致

All twelve farmers’ organizations spoke with one voice. 所有的12个农民组织全都观点一致。

3  singular  a person , newspaper , organization etc that expresses a particular idea or represents the opinions of a particular group 代言人,喉舌(如人、报纸、组织等)

The paper sees itself as the authentic voice of Middle England. 这家报纸把自己看作是英格兰中部地区真正的代言人。

voice of reason/authority/experience etc The senator has long been a voice of reason on this issue. 这位参议员长期以来一直对这个问题发表理性的看法。

4  C  formal   the individual , personal style of a particular writer (作家的)个人风格

Anna finally found her voice as a writer. 安娜终于发现了自己作为作家的个人风格。

5  C  linguistics   the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of the verb does the action (the active voice) or whether the action is done to it (the passive voice) 语态
-   sb likes the sound of their own voice spoken
used for saying that someone thinks their opinions are more important than anyone else’ s
-   sb’ s voice breaks
when a boy’ s voice breaks, it becomes deeper as he becomes a man
  Words frequently used with voice
  voice 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   clear, deep, firm, flat, gentle, gruff, harsh, high, hoarse, husky, loud, low, quiet, shaky, shrill, soft, strident,
See also
voice of america




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