

单词 vanish
vanish ★★
VERB  I   
1 to disappear in a sudden and mysterious way 奇怪地突然不见;神秘地瞬间消失

One moment she was there, the next she had vanished. 刚才她还在那里,一会儿工夫就不见了。

+from My calculator’ s vanished from my desk. 我桌子上的计算器不见了。

vanish into thin air/vanish from the face of the earth (=used for emphasis) The company that supplied the cargo has vanished into thin air. (表示强调)消失得无影无踪,彻底消失

1a to disappear suddenly 突然消失

Claudia’ s smile vanished. 克劳迪娅的微笑一下子不见了。

vanish from sight The eagles vanished from sight and we walked on. 那些老鹰消失在视线中后,我们继续步行赶路。

+into He vanished into the darkness. 他消失在黑暗中。

2 to stop existing completely 不复存在;绝迹

Humanitarian ideals seem to have totally vanished. 人道主义的理想似乎已经完全绝迹。

a rapidly vanishing way of life 正迅速消逝的生活方式





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