ADJ never before noun |
/ˈjuːst tuː/ |
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| familiar with something because you have often experienced it before , so it no longer seems difficult or strange 已习惯…的;已适应…的 |
| be used to (doing) sth Deborah was used to working on difficult assignments. 德博拉已习惯于做艰苦的工作了。 |
| I’ m tired – I’ m not used to these late nights. 我累了,这几天晚睡我不习惯。 |
| It’ s completely different from what people are used to. 这与人们所习惯的完全不一样。 |
| get used to (doing) sth I haven’ t got used to the new system yet. 我还不适应这个新系统。 |
| It took weeks to get used to having someone else around. 我花了几周的时间才习惯周围有别人跟着。 |