

单词 ugly
ugly ★★
1 someone who is ugly has a face that is unpleasant to look at . Ugly is an unkind word , so people often use the word plain instead , to avoid causing offence (人)难看的,丑陋的(ugly 是不礼貌用语,所以人们常用plain 来替代,以免冒犯人)

The other man was hideously ugly. 另一个男人丑得吓人。

She won’ t wear T-shirts because she thinks her arms are ugly. 她不愿穿T恤衫,因为她觉得她的手臂很难看。

as ugly as sin (=extremely ugly) She was rich and powerful and ugly as sin. 极其丑陋的

1a something that is ugly is unpleasant to look at (事物)难看的

an ugly concrete bridge 难看的混凝土桥

Do you think its frame makes the picture look ugly? 你认为这个画框使画难看吗?

2 very unpleasant 令人厌恶的;讨厌的;卑劣的

an ugly rumour 卑劣的谣言

ugly racist propaganda 卑劣的种族主义宣传

the ugly face of sth (=the unpleasant aspect of it) Critics have described the policy as the ugly face of Republicanism. 某事物令人讨厌的方面

3 an ugly situation involves violent or angry behaviour 暴力的;愤怒的

There were ugly scenes following the match. 比赛后发生了暴力事件。

an ugly confrontation 暴力冲突

turn ugly (=become unpleasant) The situation turned ugly when one of the police officers was hit by a rock. 变得令人不愉快

-   sth rears/raises its ugly head informal
used for saying that something unpleasant starts to appear or happen

The problem reared its ugly head again a few weeks later. 这个令人不愉快的问题几周后又出现了。

ugliness  noun   U 




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