

单词 turn
turn 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to change the position of your body or head so that you are facing in a different direction (使)(身体或头部)转向,面向,对着

She turned and smiled at me. 她转过身来向我微笑。

He turned his head and looked around the room. 他转过头去环视房间。

+to Maria turned to the reporters and said: ‘I’ m innocent.’ 玛丽亚对着记者说道:“我是无辜的。”

+away Lopez just glared at the other man and then turned away. 洛佩兹只是瞪着另一个男子,接着转身就走了。

+around/round The girls in front turned round and grinned. 前面的姑娘转过身来,咧嘴一笑。

turn to do sth The whole audience turned to stare at the latecomers. 所有的观众都转过头来盯着那几个迟到的人。

1a  T  to change the position of something so that it is pointing in a different direction 使改变位置

turn sth around/round Turn your chairs round so you’ re facing me. 把你们椅子转过来面向我坐。

turn sth on sb/sth The attacker killed three people before turning the gun on himself. 袭击者杀了3个人后把枪对准了自己。

turn sth over Turn the tape over and press ‘Play’ . 把磁带换一面,按“播放”键。

2  I  to change the direction in which you are moving or travelling 换方向

+around/towards/into etc We turned into our drive, glad to get home. 我们拐进自家的车道,为到家而感到高兴。

The truck turned around and came back towards us. 卡车掉了个头,朝我们开过来。

turn left/right Follow this path, then turn right and walk uphill. 顺着这条路走,接着右拐上坡。

2a  T  turn sth around/towards/into etcto make something change the direction in which it is moving 调转,换(方向)

He turned the car in the direction of the city. 他把车子掉了个方向,朝城里开去。

They ordered the pilot to turn the plane around. 他们命令飞行员掉头。

2b  I  if a road or river turns, it bends and goes in a different direction (路或河流)转弯

Here the road turns sharply to the right. 那条路在这儿向右急转。

2c  I  if the tide turns, it moves in the opposite direction (潮水)开始涨,开始落
3  I  to make a circular movement 旋转;转动

I heard the key turn in the lock. 我听到钥匙在锁孔里旋动的声音。

3a  T  to make something move in a circle 使旋转;使转动

Turning this wheel will start the machine. 转动这个轮子会开动机器。

4  T  if you turn the page of a book or magazine , you move it in order to read a different page 翻动(书或杂志的页)
5  linking verb  to change and do or become something else 转为;成为;变为

turn professional Duval turned professional in 1993. 杜瓦尔于1993年成为职业选手。

turn cold/chilly The weather turned quite chilly in the afternoon. 下午天气变得相当冷。

5a to change and become another colour 变色

The leaves turn bright red in autumn. 树叶在秋天变得通红通红的。

6  linking verb  to become a particular age or a particular time 达到(一定年龄或时间)

He turned 40 in March. 他3月份就40岁了。

It’ s just turned midnight. 刚刚过了午夜。

7  I/T  if your stomach turns, or something turns your stomach , you feel as if food in your stomach is going to come out through your mouth (使)反胃;(使)恶心
8  I/T  mainly journalism   if someone turns a game or fight , or it turns, it starts to develop in a different way 扭转(比赛或战斗的局面);(使)转变
9  I  if milk turns, it becomes sour (牛奶)变酸,变质
10  T  to give a particular shape to a piece of wood or metal using a lathe (用车床)车削成,车削出
-   not know where/which way to turn
to not know what to do in a difficult situation
-   turn your back on sb/sth
1 to turn your body so that your back is pointing towards someone or something 背对某人/某物
2 to refuse to accept someone or something that you have previously accepted 抛弃(先前接受的人或事物)
-   turn a corner
1 to go around a corner of a street , building etc 拐弯
2 to reach a better point in your business or relationship 好转;走出低谷
-   turn sb’ s head
to make someone feel more important , intelligent etc than they really are
-   turnheads
to attract a lot of attention
ˌturn aˈgainst
turn against sb/sth: to stop liking or supporting someone or something and start opposing them 与…为敌;与…反目;抛弃

The rival factions turned against each other in a bitter struggle for power. 在激烈的权力斗争中,几个竞争小派系反目成仇。

a turn sb against sb/sthto make someone stop liking or supporting someone or something 使(某人)与…为敌;使(某人)与…反目;使抛弃

She’ s managed to turn your whole family against you. 她使你的全家人与你反目。

ˌturn aˈround or ˌturn ˈround  BRITISH
1  I/T  to stop being unsuccessful and start being successful , or make something do this (使)好转

The £400 million loan will help turn the Russian economy around. 这笔4亿英镑的贷款将有助于俄罗斯经济走出低谷。

2  T  to complete a piece of work , process , or activity within a particular time (在某段时间内)完成

We can produce quality work and turn it around very quickly. 我们不仅能保证质量,而且能在短时间内完成。

-   turn around and do sth
to react to something , especially in a way that is surprising or not helpful

It was your idea, so don’ t turn around and say you’ re too busy. 这可是你的主意,所以别改变主意说你很忙。

ˌturn aˈway
to refuse to let someone come into a place 不准…入内;把…拒之门外
ˌturn aˈway from
turn away from sth: to refuse to accept or use something any longer 拒绝接受;不再使用

Many shoppers turned away from products that were not environmentally friendly. 很多购物者不再购买非环保产品。

ˌturn ˈback
1  I/T  to return the same way that you came instead of continuing on your journey , or make someone do this (使)往回走;(使)折回

Bad weather forced them to turn back. 恶劣的天气迫使他们打道回府。

Refugees who reach the border may be turned back. 到达边境的难民可能会被勒令折返。

2  I  to return to a previous situation or condition 恢复原样

I’ ve gone too far to turn back now. 我已经做过头,现在没法恢复原样了。

ˌturn ˈdown
1 to refuse to accept an offer or request 拒绝(提议或要求)

How could you turn down such a fantastic job? 你怎么能拒绝这么好的工作机会呢?

I don’ t believe it: he turned me down flat! 我真不敢相信,他居然直截了当地拒绝了我!

2 to reduce the amount of sound , heat , or light produced by a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch 调低,关小(音量、热度或光亮等)

Can you turn the music down a bit? 你能把音乐开小点吗?

The lights were turned down low. 灯光调得很暗。

3 turn down to fold the edge of something 折起边角;折转

The top sheet had been neatly turned down. 最上层被单的边角已被掖得整整齐齐。

ˌturn ˈin
1  T  to tell the police about someone , or take them to the police , because they have committed a crime (向警方)告发;将…送交警察

His own brother turned him in. 他的亲兄弟把他送交警察。

turn yourself in She turned herself in to local police. 她向当地警方投案自首。

2  T  MAINLY AMERICAN  to return something to the person it belongs to , especially something that was lost or was lent to you 交还,交回(尤指某人遗失或借出的东西)
2a to give something to the person who has officially asked for it or who is in charge 上交;递交

turn in sth to sb Mitro turned in his resignation to the President. 米特罗向总统递交了辞呈。

3  T  turn in sth: to produce a particular amount or degree of something 取得;作出;完成

Bicknell turned in a fine all-round performance. 比克尼尔在全能项目上表现出色。

4  I  informal old-fashioned   to go to bed at night (晚上)上床睡觉
5  I/T  to point or be directed inwards , or make something do this (使)朝里;(使)向内

Turn your toes in, like this. 像这样把脚趾往里翻。

ˌturn ˈin on
turn in on yourself: to start to think only about yourself and your own problems and forget about other people and their problems 开始只考虑自己;埋头于自己的事务
ˌturn ˈinto
turn into turn into/to sb/sth: to change or develop into something different 变成

What started out as an enjoyable holiday turned into a nightmare. 本来令人愉快的假期变成一场恶梦。a.

a turn sbsth into sbsthto make someone or something change or develop into something different 使变成

turn sth into sth The freezing temperatures had turned the water in the lake into ice. 极低的温度使湖水结成了冰。

His first novel was turned into a television film. 他的第一部小说被改编成了一部电视片。

ˌturn ˈoff
1  T  to stop using a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch 关掉,关闭(设备)

Will you turn the television off, please? 请把电视机关掉,好吗?

It is now safe to turn off your computer. 现在可以安全地关闭计算机了。

1a to stop using a supply of water , gas , or electricity by turning a tap , pressing a button , or moving a switch 切断(水、煤气或电)

The emergency crew has turned off local power and gas supplies. 紧急事件处理小组切断了当地的电力和煤气供应。

Go and turn the tap off before the bath overflows. 去把水龙头关上,别让浴缸里的水溢出来。

2  I/T  turn off sth: to leave the road you are travelling along in order to go along another one that leads away from it 拐入旁路;离开…转入岔道

Turn off the road onto a dirt driveway. 离开这条路,往一条土岔路上走。

+at If you’ re coming on the M4, turn off at junction 26. 如果你走的是M4号路,在26号交叉口拐上岔道。

3  T  to make someone feel bored or no longer interested in something 使厌烦;使失去兴趣

This sort of talk could turn a lot of voters off. 这种讲话会使很多选民感到厌烦。

3a  I  to stop paying attention 不再关注

When people lose interest they just turn off. 一旦人们失去兴趣,他们就不再关注。

4  T  turn sb off: to stop someone feeling sexually attracted or sexually excited 激不起…的性欲;使失去性欲

His bad breath really turns me off! 他的口臭简直让我兴味索然!

ˌturn ˈon
1 to start using a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch 关掉,关闭(设备)

Is your computer turned on? 你的电脑开了吗?

1a to start using a supply of water , gas , or electricity by turning a tap , pressing a button , or moving a switch 打开,开(水、煤气或电)

Turn on the outside tap, will you? 打开外面的水龙头,好吗?

2 turn on sb: to make a sudden and unexpected attack on someone using violence or very angry words 突然袭击;突然破口大骂
3 turn on sth: if an event or a discussion turns on something , whether it is accurate or has a good result depends completely on that thing 完全取决于;视…而定

The trial turned on the medical evidence presented by the defence. 审判结果完全取决于被告提出的医学证据。

4 turn sth on: to make a deliberate effort to use a special quality that you have in order to achieve something 特意使用

He’ ll have to turn on all his charm to persuade her. 他将不得不特意使出自己所有的魅力来说服她。

5 turn sb on: to make someone feel sexually attracted or sexually excited 使产生性吸引;激发…的性欲

He’ s very nice, but he just doesn’ t turn me on. 他很不错,但他引不起我的兴趣。

6 turn sb on: informal   to make someone become interested in something 使感兴趣

turn sb on to sth That book really turned me on to astronomy. 那本书确实激发了我对天文学的兴趣。

6a used for saying that something that interests someone else does not interest you 我才不感兴趣呢
ˌturn ˈout
1  I  to develop in a particular way or have a particular result 发展为;结果为

Obviously, I’ m disappointed at the way things have turned out. 很明显,事情的发展让我大失所望。

I’ m sure it will all turn out well in the end. 我确信这件事最终会有好结局的。

as it turned out As it turned out, the storm missed Puerto Rico. 结果,暴风雨并未袭击波多黎各。

1a  I  to be discovered to be something , have something etc 被发现是;被发现有

The tape turned out to contain vital information. 原来这盘带子上有至关重要的信息。

It all turned out to be a mistake. 结果证明是个误会。

it turns out (that) It turns out that I was right all along. 结果表明我一直是正确的。

2  T  to stop using a light by pressing a button or moving a switch 关(灯)
3  I  to go somewhere in order to be present at an event or take part in an activity 去参加

Only 62% of the electorate turned out to vote. 只有62%的选民参加了投票。

4  T  to produce something , especially in large numbers (尤指大量)生产,制造

The company plans to turn out 2,000 small planes a year. 公司计划一年生产2,000架小型飞机。

5  T  to force someone to leave a place , especially their home 赶走;(尤指)把…赶出家门

Our landlord turned us out on the street. 房东把我们赶到大街上。

turn sb out of sth If they don’ t pay, they could be turned out of the house. 要是他们不交钱,他们可能被赶出那栋房子。

6  T  to remove something from a container by turning it upside down (从容器中)倒出

Turn the cake out onto a wire rack to cool. 把蛋糕倒到铁丝架上冷却。

6a to remove everything from your pockets or a bag 翻出(兜里或袋里的所有东西)
7  I/T  to point or be directed outwards , or make something do this (使)朝外;(使)向外

Keep your back straight and turn your toes out. 绷直背部,脚趾往外伸。

-   be turned out
to be dressed in a particular way

Their children are always very well turned out. 他们的孩子总是被打扮得很漂亮。

ˌturn ˈover
1  T  to give someone or something to someone who has a position of authority 移交;托交

turn sb/sth over to sb The local police turned him over to the FBI. 当地警方将他移交给了联邦调查局。

2  T  to allow something to be used for a particular purpose or by a particular person 允许将…用于;允许(某人)使用…

turn sth over to sth The museum has turned all its halls over to the dinosaurs. 博物馆已将所有展厅用于展览恐龙。

turn over sth to sth They have turned over the property to the Conservation Society. 他们允许保护协会使用这处地产。

3  I/T  to turn a page in a book or a sheet of paper so that the other side is towards you 翻过(书页或纸张)

You may turn over your exam papers now. 现在可以把试卷翻到另外一面。

4  I/T  BRITISH  to stop watching one television station and start watching another 换(电视频道);换(台)

Let’ s turn over – this is really boring. 我们换台吧,这节目真无聊。

5  T  turn over sth: to make a particular amount of money in a particular time 营业额达…
6  I/T  if an engine turns over , or you turn it over , it starts or continues to operate (使)(发动机)发动,转动
7  T  to think carefully about all the details of something 仔细考虑;周密考虑

He began to turn the scheme over in his mind. 他开始仔细琢磨这个计划。

8  T  BRITISH  informal   to steal from a place 偷窃;偷盗

We got back to find the flat had been turned over. 我们回来后发现公寓被盗了。

ˈturn to
1  T  turn to sb: to go to someone for help when you are having difficulty dealing with a situation 求助于;求救于
1a turn to sthto start to do or use something in an attempt to help yourself when you are having difficulty dealing with a situation (在面对困境时)开始做,开始使用

turn to crime/drink/drugs He turned to drugs after his wife left him. 妻子离开他之后,他开始吸毒。

2  linking verb  turn into

turn to sth Shock at the killings quickly turned to anger. 屠杀引发的震惊很快就变成愤怒。

turn sth to sth Roads were turned to mud by days of rain. 接连几天的大雨使道路泥泞不堪。

3  T  turn sth to sbsth: to direct your attention , thoughts etc towards someone or something 将(注意力、思想等)转向,移向

It is time he turned his mind to more serious problems. 是他思考更为严肃问题的时候了。

3a  T  turn to sthto start thinking about or discussing something 开始考虑;开始讨论

Let’ s turn to more important matters now. 现在让我们开始讨论更重要的问题吧。

4  T  turn to sth: to look for a particular page in a book 翻到(书中的某一页)

Turn to page 17 for our prices. 翻到第17页看我们的价格。

ˌturn ˈup
1  T  to increase the amount of sound , heat , or light produced by a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch 调高,开大(声音、热度或光亮等)

Can you turn the volume up a bit? 能把音量开大点吗?

Don’ t turn the TV up – I’ m trying to read. 别把电视声音开大,我正想看点书呢。

2  I  to come somewhere unexpectedly or without making a firm arrangement (出其不意地或未作安排就)出现,来到

There is no need to book – just turn up on the night. 没必要预订,只要那天晚上来就行。

+for She failed to turn up for work on Monday. 她星期一没来上班。

3  I  to be found , especially by accident , after being lost or not known about (尤指遗失或失去消息后意外地)被找到,被发现

The documents finally turned up in an office along the corridor. 这些文件最后在走廊边的一间办公室里被发现了。

3a  T  to find something lost , hidden , or unknown by looking for it (经搜寻)发现

The police haven’ t turned up anything new, have they? 警方还没发现任何新线索,是吧?

4  I  to happen unexpectedly or by chance (出乎意料或偶然地)发生

You’ ll get another job: something is bound to turn up soon. 你会有新工作的,机会应该很快就会出现。

5  T  to make a piece of clothing or cloth shorter by making a fold along the bottom edge and fastening it with stitches 将(衣服或衣料)折边改短
6  T  to open a fold along the edge of a piece of clothing 竖起,翻起(衣服的折边)

He turned up his jacket collar against the cold. 他竖起夹克衣领御寒。

See also
leaf 1




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