

单词 travel
travel 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to go on a journey or visit different places, especially places that are far away from where you live or work 旅行;游历;(尤指)长途旅行

I wish I didn’ t have to travel so much. 我真希望不要这么频繁地出差。

Matt spends much of his time travelling abroad. 马特花了很多时间去国外旅行。

He is very well-travelled (=he has travelled a lot) . 他游历了很多地方。

+to Joe recently had to travel to Australia on business. 乔最近不得已出差去了澳大利亚。

+in/around We were travelling in Spain when Claire broke her leg. 我们在西班牙旅行期间,克莱尔摔断了腿。

travel light (=not take many things with you when you travel) My advice is to travel light. 轻装旅行

travel the world/country etc Ben’ s dream is to travel the world. 本的梦想是周游世界。

2  I  to go from one place to another , especially in a vehicle (尤指乘车)行进,去

Did you have to travel far to get here? 你到这儿得走很远的路吗?

travel by car/bus/train etc I usually travel by bus. 我通常乘公共汽车去旅行。

travel on foot/horseback The refugees had travelled on foot across the mountains for days. 难民们已在山里走了好几天的路。

2a  I  to go to another time or place in your imagination 想象来到

Let’ s travel back in time to the 19th century. 让我们想象回到19世纪。

2b  I/T  to go a particular distance 走上(一段路程);走…(远)

Most people are prepared to travel reasonable distances to work. 大部分人都准备走上一段路程去上班。

We travelled 300 miles on Saturday. 星期六我们走了300英里。

3  I  to spread from one place to another in a way that affects or influences a lot of people 传播;流传

The news travelled quickly. 消息传得很快。

Rumours travel fast. 谣言传起来很快。

4  I  to move at a particular speed (以…速度)行进

travel at 50 miles/100 kilometres etc per hour The car was travelling at about 50 miles per hour. 车以每小时50英里左右的速度行驶。

4a to move very fast 疾驰;快速行进

This car can really travel! 这辆车跑得真快!

5  I  if light or sound travels from one place to another , it moves there (光或声音)传播,移动

Sound travels more slowly than light. 声音比光的传播速度慢。

5a if your eyes travel from one place to another , you look at one thing and then another (眼睛)环顾,扫视,环视

His gaze travelled around the room. 他环视了一下房间。

6  I  in basketball , to take more steps than the rules allow while you are holding the ball (篮球运动中)走步
-   travel well
to be able to be moved long distances without being spoiled or damaged

Some wines don’ t travel well. 有些酒经不起长途运输。





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