

单词 tradition
tradition ★★★
 C  a very old custom , belief , or story 传统习俗;传统信仰;古老传说

Native American culture and traditions 美洲印第安人的文化与传统习俗

Parents bring up their children in accordance with their own traditions. 父母按照他们自己的传统信仰来养育孩子。a.

a  U  very old customs , beliefs, or stories, considered together 传统

According to family tradition, Mr Thomas was a teacher. 根据家族传统,托马斯先生当了一名教师。

be steeped in tradition Their national sport is steeped in centuries of tradition. 他们的国粹运动饱含着多个世纪的传统气息。

break with tradition (=not follow tradition) He broke with tradition and stood for a third term of office. 打破传统

b  C/U  an activity that happens regularly and has become the usual thing 惯例;老规矩

My extended family has a tradition of having reunions every summer. 我的家族有个老规矩,每年夏天要团聚一次。

-   in the tradition of
following the method and principles that a well-known person or group used in the past

The design is in the tradition of Russian Byzantine architecture. 该设计沿袭了俄罗斯拜占庭建筑风格的传统。





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